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My workday ends quickly. I swear, I began working on my app only an hour ago. But one hour turned out to be 5 hours before I even knew it. I look out the window and see the sun beginning to set. As busy and crazy as LA may be at times, the view is something I will never get tired of. I could never afford a view like this in my apartment. The view from my office makes up for every time I complained about the building on the opposite side of my window at home. This view is breathtaking. It's all mine, too.

I look down at my phone and see that not only is it well past my regular workday, but it's actually almost 8PM.

"Damn." I mumble to myself as I pack my laptop up and grab my car keys. As I turn the lights out in my office and close the door behind me, I see a light inside of Grayson's office still on.

I walk towards his door and hear faint conversation on the other end. Who is he even talking to? More importantly, why are there so many people still here?

"Grayson?" I ask, knocking on the door lightly. I open is carefully and poke my head inside nervously.

"Natalia." Grayson says with surprise. When I get a full look inside of his office, I see Shane sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"I'm so sorry. Am I interrupting something?" I ask, holding one of my hands up in surrender.

"No, no. Shane here was just leaving, actually." Grayson says with a brief nod.

"I was?" Shane asks, earning a stern look from Grayson. "I mean, yes. I was." He says, correcting himself.

He stands up from his seat and shrugs past me quickly.

"It was nice seeing you again, Natalia. We're glad you're up here with us." He says with a smile and leaves the room.

"Is everything okay?" Grayson asks me as soon as Shane leaves.

"Yeah, everything is fine. I didn't really realize that I was working this late today." I say with a small laugh.

He gives me a small smile and waits for whatever else I may say.

"I just wanted to see if you needed anything else before I leave?" I ask.

"Oh, no. I'm actually leaving, too." He says, closing his MacBook and standing up from his seat.

"Oh, great." I say with a smile. "Do you want to walk down with me?" I ask.

"Uhh...yeah. Sure." He says, giving me a tight smile as we exit his office.

The silence takes over the entire floor as we walk towards the elevator. There is absolutely no noise other than the sound of his sneakers on the floor. They squeak with each step that he takes. It's distracting, really.

"So, how was your first day?" He asks, clearing his throat as we enter the elevator.

"Good. Really good. Thank you, again." I say, pressing the button to the first floor.

"It's the least I can do." He says, leaning back on his heels.

We stay silent for most of the ride downstairs, and I feel relieved when the elevator doors open. I hear his shoes behind me as I walk out of the small space.

"Did you drive here?" He asks, looking down at my keys in my hand.

"Oh, yeah." I say with a small smile.

"Oh." He says, nodding in understanding.

"Where did you park?" I ask as we approach the parking garage.

"I take an Uber to work." He states.

"Really?" I ask. "Like, everyday?"

"Yeah." He nods.

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