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As the morning approaches, I can feel my anxiety reach an all time high. I know that seeing Grayson will be inevitable, but i'm hoping to defy all of the laws and dodge him completely. I wish I had some kind of invisibility cloak, because I would surely wear it forever in the office.

When I get to work, I go straight into my office, praying that I don't run into anyone. Just as I think i'm in the clear, I hear someone clearing their throat.

"Natalia." Shane says, knocking on my door, "Do you have a moment?" He asks.

"Yeah, of course." I reply. No, no, no.

"Come to my office, yeah?" He asks. I nod and follow him down the hallway.

"Having a nice morning?" He asks with a small smile. I nod in reply. Something about this is off, I can tell. This is about Grayson. I know it is.

When we get to his office, he closes the door behind me and offers me a seat.

"Thanks for coming in here. I just wanted to ask you something." He says, taking a seat at his desk.

"Alright...about what?" I ask nervously.

"Well, it's about Grayson." He answers.

"Grayson?" I ask softly. I can feel my heart pounding in my face. Because as i'm sitting here with Shane, I realize that Grayson might have told him about our kiss.

I'm sitting with the head of HR talking about my boss, whom i've already kissed. Well, made out with actually. Oh, and he kicked me out of his apartment.

"And last night." He adds.

"Oh my God. Am I in trouble?" I ask in a panic. Grayson fucking told Shane about me kissing him. He actually took this to HR. I'm about to get fucking fired over this.

"Oh, no! No, no, nothing like that. I'm sorry, I should have clarified that. You're not in trouble." He assures me quickly. I feel my nausea pass slightly, but I still have the feeling of wanting to puke or pass out. 

"Is Grayson in trouble?" I ask quietly. No matter what happened the other night, I don't want Grayson to get in trouble either. Hell, I just want to pretend that it didn't happen at all. I miss when my crush on Grayson was only a crush known by me. Now it's out in the open.

"No, no one is in trouble." He adds with a soft chuckle.

"Okay." I say, letting out a shaky breath. "I just really need this job. I love this job." I say honestly.

"We're glad you're here. You've been doing great. This isn't exactly work related." He says, getting back to his topic.

"So what is it relating?" I ask.

"You and Grayson. And...last night." He says.

"You know about it?" I ask with embarrassment clear in my tone.

"Yes." He says. "I just wanted to explain something to you."

"Okay.." I mumble.

"You're not in trouble. Calm down." He laughs.

"It's kind of hard to stay calm when I just got called into HR because of an incident with my boss." I mumble, picking at the skin around my fingers.

"Okay, well no one is in trouble. This isn't work related at all. This is just two friends talking, okay?" He says. I nod quickly, trying to stop the sweat that I can feel forming on my forehead.

"Grayson told me what happened. He really just told me what he did, though. And I just want you to know something to get a better understanding of him." He says.

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