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Grayson's POV

"Fuck, it's hot as shit in here!" I exclaim, running a hand through my hair.

I hear Sofia giggle as she watches me. "I think you're just drunk."

"What? Nooo." I reply, waving her off. "I just feel a little fuzzy is all." 

"He's drunk." I hear the two say.

"Can I get you guys anything else to drink?" The same waiter as before asks.

"I want a jello shot!" Sofia says, bouncing in her seat.

"Jello sounds so good." I slur, laying my head back on the cool leather of the couch.

"Can we get like...nine?" Shane asks the waiter.

"Any flavor in particular?" The man asks.

"Grape!" I exclaim, leaning up instantly.

"Let's make a few of them grape." Shane says with a smile.

"I'm so glad you're drunk right now." Sofia tells me with an amused look on her face.

"I'm not drunk." I reply.

"You couldn't walk in a straight line if you tried." She replies.

"Liar!" I laugh in reply as I stand up to show her. I stumble slightly as I try to walk the straightest line possible. I only give up once I have to grab the table for support. "Maybe I am drunk." I inform the two.

Shane starts to laugh before grabbing my arm to take a seat.

"Wow." I say, looking up at the ceiling.

"What?" He asks.

"There are so many colors." I say, pointing to the ceiling. "And they're spinning." I add.

"He's absolutely plastered." Shane tells Sofia.

"Here we go! Nine jello shots." I hear. I'm sure it's the waiter bringing the drinks, but I'm too lazy to even lift my head up to look.

"Want to hold off for a second?" Shane asks, nudging me slightly.

"Are they grape?" I ask.

"Three of them are." He replies.

"I call dibs!" I say, sitting up to grab one of the plastic cups. 

I fucking love jello.

No more than a minute later, all of our jello shots are gone.

"I think I should have only gotten jello shots. I love jello. Reminds me of a hospital." I state.

"God, I love you." Sofia laughs, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Why isn't Natalia here? I miss her." I tell the two.

"Oh God, please don't tell me that you're an emotional drunk." Shane laughs.

"I'm not!" I reply with certainty. "I don't cry. I'm a man." 

"Men cry." Sofia reminds me.

"Not this man." I say, flexing my arm for emphasis. 

"Can we go downstairs?" Sofia says, looking down at the crowd of people dancing.

"I don't know." Shane replies with concern.

"Let's go downstairs!" I exclaim, standing up and offering Sofia my hand. I want her to have a good time. I can be fun. I can do stuff like this. I think I'm enjoying it so far.

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