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Natalia's POV

"I'm sorry! I'm here." Grayson says, walking into the apartment. 

"You're fine. I was just worried about you. You didn't say anything." I say as he approaches me.

"I've missed you. God, I've missed you." He says as he pulls me into his arms.

"I've missed you, too." I say, running my hands into his hair. 

"Don't stop doing that. I need that." He says. 

"You're in a little mood today. You doing okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm just tired. I wasn't really wanting to stay in the office late today, but I did. I should have just left with you. Instead, I kept you waiting. I'm sorry." He mutters.

"It's okay, Gray. I promise." I assure him with a soft laugh. "It's no big deal." I add.

"I know you made this dinner for us and I love that you did that, really. However, I'm exhausted and I don't really have an appetite right now. Can we just lay here for a second?" He asks softly.

"Of course. Your plate is in the fridge anyways. I figured that you'd want to sleep once you got home." 

"You're the best. God, what did I do to get someone like you?" He asks, kissing my neck gently.

"Ditto." I reply with a laugh. "What were you doing at the office so late?" I ask.

"Coding stuff. I was stuck at work trying to finish this glitch in the recent homepage development. I was trying to get it done quickly and just got sidetracked." He sighs.

"You? Sidetracked? How difficult was the glitch? You can find those in two seconds." I laugh.

"Gen wanted to watch me fix the glitch, so I was doing some teaching as well." He mutters, snuggling into my neck. Normally, this would be cute. However after what he just said, It's not cute at all.

"Gen?" I ask.

"Yeah. My intern." He reminds me.

"I know who she is." I reply. "I just wasn't aware that you have a nickname and everything." I mutter.

"A nickname?" He asks. 

"Yes. Her name is Genevieve." I snap.

He leans up to look at me, noticing the change in my voice.

"She asked for me to call her Gen." He replies.

"Fine." I shrug.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask.

"I'm...not sure?" He asks, giving me a questioning look. 

"Okay. Cool." I say. He leans back into me and sighs, cuddling into me further.

"I just don't think she's someone you need to be getting too cozy with." I say, bringing the conversation up once more.

"I'm not getting cozy to her." He says.

"Well, she's trying to get cozy to you. She told me that she thinks you're hot." I say.

"Me? Why?" He asks.

"Not the point, Grayson. The point is that by you calling her by whatever she wants, you're just giving her more encouragement." I groan.

"Hey, look at me." He says, pulling himself back up to look at me. "I don't care if she thinks I'm hot or whatever else she said. I have you. You're who I want. Not Gen." 

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