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Natalia's POV

"We're going out tonight." Sofia says, taking a seat on her bed. 

I've never been inside of Shane's apartment. It's different from Grayson's apartment. It's very different. It seems as though Sofia has completely taken over the apartment in the best way possible. 

"What?" I laugh.

"Yeah, we're going out. It's going to be my first time going out with the guys since turning twenty one." She smiles. "You're going, right?" She asks.

"God, I want to. I really can't tonight, though." I sigh.

"What? Why?" She pouts, crossing her legs on the bed. 

"Brian has me working on this app until we're closer to being done with it. If we're being honest, he's pretty stressed out with a baby on the way. He's been working twenty-four seven. I know his girlfriend is getting upset because he's never home. Which, I totally understand. I would probably be pretty upset too if I was never able to see Grayson. I really want to just finish what we had started tonight so he doesn't have to worry about it tomorrow." I admit.

"I get that." She sighs. "I'm bummed out that you're not going, though." 

"I am, too. Maybe tomorrow? I'll take you out. My treat." I smile.

"I'll take you up on that." She laughs. "We'll FaceTime you?" 

"I'll be there in spirit." I laugh. "I'm surprised you were able to get Grayson to even go out. He hates stuff like that." 

"Trust me, I know. He still doesn't really want to go, but I was able to pull out the puppy dog eyes. Just for future reference, he is a complete sucker for the puppy dog eyes. Get's him every time." She smirks.

"Well, just be patient with him. Maybe you can get him to loosen up a bit, too." I add.

"Oh, we're getting him drunk. I don't think he's ever been drunk before. We're definitely going to make him loosen up." She laughs.

"He's going to hate this." 

"Absolutely." She smiles. "Want something to eat? I went grocery shopping last night. We have tons of snack food." 

"I'm good, thanks." I smile. I look down at my phone and see two missed calls from Nathanial. I have no idea how I missed these, but it must be fairly urgent. "Hold on, my brother is calling me." I mutter, answering his calls and walking to the hallway.

"Natalia! God, finally. You never answer your phone." He remarks.

"Yeah, sorry. I somehow missed your call." I reply.

"Too busy with your boyfriend is give your brother the time of day?" He replies.

"No." I huff. "I'm with Sofia. We're at Shane's apartment." 

"Of course." He mutters in reply.

"Okay, did you need something or are you just going to be an asshole for the entire duration of this phone call?" I snap.

"Yes, sorry." He says in defense. "I just wanted to call and let you know that since I'm in town without Grace, I'll be going out tonight. Do you want to go?" He asks.

"I can't tonight. I have a lot of work to do." I reply.

"And does this work involve you blowing me off for your boyfriend?" He asks again.

"Again, no." I groan in reply. "I actually have real work to do. Not all of us can ride the backs of our significant other with a Youtube career." 

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