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Natalia's POV

When Sofia dropped me off at my car, I quickly got out and followed behind them. Keeping up with Sofia was nearly impossible. Her car is just significantly faster than my own. Plus, I'm sure she was trying to stay as far away from me as possible.

Just apologize, Natalia.

"Maybe she'll forgive me." I mutter to myself as we pull into the parking garage.

When I get out of the car and walk into the building, I hear Sofia's voice talking to Grayson up ahead. I'm far from them, but I'll stay back until we get closer to the apartment. I want to speak to Sofia, but I don't even know where to start. She has ever single right to be pissed at me. I don't blame her, whatsoever.

"Nat?" Grayson calls out, turning to see me a few feet away from him.

"I'm finally catching up." I call from down the hallway.

"I'll see you later. Glad you're home." Sofia tells him before continuing her walk to Shane's apartment. Well, technically her apartment, too.

"Ready to go inside?" Grayson asks with a smile.

"Yeah." I nod in reply.

I need to talk to Sofia. Thats the only thing I can think about right now.

As we enter the apartment, I smell the familiar laundry detergent smell. His place always smells so good. I've missed it here.

"Gray?" I ask.

"Hmm?" He asks, setting his bag down onto the ground.

"I think I want to go and see Sofia." I admit.

"Right now?" He asks.

"Yeah." I reply.

"Do you really think thats the best idea?" He asks in an unsure tone.

"Well I don't want her thinking that I came home and didn't even try talking to her." I reply.

"Yeah, but-"

"I'm doing it." I reply, walking towards the door.

"I think Shane's home." He replies.

"Well...I guess I need to apologize to him, too." I mutter.

"Do you want me to go with you?" He offers.

"No, i'll manage. I dug myself into this hole. Now, I have to climb out of it." I remind him.

"I just don't want you to be in an awkward situation." He says cautiously.

"It's just Shane and Sofia." I say.

"Yeah, but they can be a lot sometimes. Especially Shane." He adds.

"Yeah, but maybe if I apologize then it will all go back to normal." I shrug. "I just feel like an idiot." I sigh.

"Are you positive that you want to go right now? Maybe we should just sleep on it right now. You can do it tomorrow." He tries saying once again.

"Stop trying to talk me out of it. I may not be as brave tomorrow." I say. "I'm going over. I'll be back." I say, walking out of the apartment before he can say anything else.

Thankfully, he doesn't try to stop me. 

Each step to their apartment is more and more terrifying. Unfortunately, their apartment is only a few feet away from our own. As I approach the door, I knock gently and take a step back.

I hear the door unlock and Sofia pokes her head out. She gives me a look of confusion as she stares a little past me to see if Grayson was with me, I'm assuming.

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