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Grayson's POV

"So. You have a crush on Natalia." Shane says, leaning back in his chair.

"What? No." I say quickly. I feel my face getting hot at the accusation.

"You invited her over to your apartment." He reminds me.

"Yeah." I say slowly.

"You never invite people over." He laughs. "Come on man, it's just me. You know you can trust me." He tells me.

He's right. I trust Shane more than I trust anyone else in my life.

"Plus, she's hot." He adds. "Come on, just admit it." He urges.

"Maybe." I shrug.


"Maybe I like her?" I say, questioning my own words.

Natalia Zamora isn't just an average girl. She's strong. She's confident. She's kind. She's beautiful. She is the first person I have ever been able to hold a full conversation with in years. For some reason unknown to me, she makes me feel...calm. She makes me relax the more that I'm around her.

"You hired her on as your intern so she wouldn't have such a hard time with the other guys in the office. Then, you let her drive you home and invite her inside. Not only that, but she's wearing your sweatshirt today. I've got to say, I'm really proud of you." He laughs.

"What do I do?" I ask.

"Just...be yourself." He shrugs.

"I can't." I say quickly.

"Okay, and who exactly are you going to be if you aren't yourself?" He asks.

"I don't know." I shrug in reply. "I just want to be...cooler? Relatable? More outgoing." I say, finally finding the words that describe exactly what I want.

"You're fine once you get to know someone. Listen, I know things are different for you, but that shouldn't stop you from going and getting something that everyone naturally wants in life." He says, leaning up in his chair and resting his arms on the table.

"Which is?" I ask.

"A relationship? Love?" He says as though it should have been obvious. I'm sure it was obvious.

"She would never go for someone like me." I say nonchalantly.

"Dude, come on. She totally would. I have a feeling she likes you, too. Think of it like this; the guys in the office accused her of having some sort of relationship with you, yeah?" He asks. I nod in reply. "Okay, well if she was really too concerned with what they thought, don't you think she would have turned down the offer to come over to your apartment? I mean, that doesn't exactly turn those guy's ideas away." He says.

"I don't know." I repeat.

"She's into you. I'm calling it now." He tells me. "So, you need to make a move."

"Wait, me? Why me?" I ask quickly.

"Because you're the man, Gray. Just...try and let her in. You'll get more comfortable." He assures me. Although, I don't know if I'm as sure as he is.

"But how?" I ask. "I haven't been in a relationship or even attempted one in..." I say, counting the years in my head quickly. "Twelve years." I say.

"I know. You need to get laid." He says, putting emphases on the word laid.

Even the thought of that puts me in a slight panic. Shane must notice, because he quickly holds his hands up in defense.

"But, I think maybe you should start with something simple." He adds.

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