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Natalia's POV

"Natalia, love. Where are you?" I hear my mother's voice ring into my ear.

"I'm on my way, Mami. Is Papi already cooking?" I ask.

"He's done. Prisa." She says, trying her hardest to get me to rush.

"Grayson is in the shower. He has a whole process in getting ready. There's no rushing this man." I laugh.

"Well, hurry and get here. The food is going to get cold!" She says.

"No it won't." I laugh, shaking my head at the exaggeration of this all. 

"Your brother is going to be here soon, too. He's always late." She complains.

"You better tell him to leave Grayson alone, Mami. Otherwise, Grayson and I will be leaving." I tell her.

I've already explained this once to Nathanial. I'll say the same thing to my parents. I'll tell everyone until it finally sticks. Grayson isn't just some guy that I'm going to let everyone step all over. I'm not going to let my family ruin this for me. Especially not my brother.

"He will, he will. Your father already straightened him out. Nothing to worry about, Mija." She assures me.

"I'm not kidding, Mami." I warn.

"I'm not either. Don't worry. Relajarse." She huffs.

"I think I hear him getting out of the shower." I say, listening for the shower door to close.

"Put me on speaker." She says.

I do as she says and instantly, her voice fills the once silent room.

"Grayson!" She yells loudly, trying to get Grayson to hear her.

He pokes his head out of the bathroom and gives me a confused look.

"It's Mami. She wanted to talk to you." I laugh.

"Oh. Hi?" He says with pleasant confusion laced in his voice.

"Hurry, amor! You're missing out on the food!" She teases.

"I'll hurry." He says with a laugh. "We'll leave in five minutes." 

"Promise?" She asks.

"I promise." He adds.

"Okay. I'll see you two here soon. Adios!" She says before hanging up the phone.

"You know, she likes you." I tell him.

"Does she?" He asks.

"Yeah. Papi does, too." I tell him.

"Now if only I could get Nathan to not hate me." He adds, slipping a black shirt over his head. 

"He doesn't hate you." I say. "He's just protective." I remind him.

"I know." He says. "You sure you want me to go today? I don't mind staying here. I know you guys haven't had family time. With just all four of you." He says, looking at me with concern.

"Do you not want to go? I asks.

"I want to go if you want me to go." He says.

"I want you to go." I say.

"Then I will go." He nods. "Come on." 


"Finally! Come in!" My mother exclaims in excitement. 

"Thank you for having the two of us." Grayson says, giving her a very tense hug. I'm not sure if he'll ever get used to hugging my mother the way that she likes hugging everyone.

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