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Shit. Shit. Shit.

I jump up out of bed when I see the time on my phone. How in the hell did I oversleep this late? I wasn't even up that late last night, how did this happen? There's no way I slept through all of my alarms.

As I scroll through my alarms, I realize that I set my alarms for 7PM instead of 7AM. Great. Just great. I run into my closet and grab the first pair of black leggings that I find. These will absolutely have to do for now. I must look absolutely awful, I'm sure. I run into the bathroom to brush my teeth and somehow manage to throw my hair into one of the messiest buns on this planet.

Before I leave my apartment, I grab Grayson's sweatpants off of the back of my couch and rush out of the door. I'm nearly two hours late for work.


Grayson is going to kill me.

Okay, he probably won't kill me, but I'm sure he's going to be absolutely pissed. Hell, I would be pissed too if I saw my intern was nearly two hours late for work and didn't even try calling to explain why. Thankfully, GRIP is only about a ten minute drive from my apartment. I'll be there in about five minutes if I keep this speed and don't hit any traffic.

As I approach the building, I realize that I didn't even wash Grayson's clothes. To make it even worse, I didn't even realize that I still had his sweatshirt on before leaving the house. So not only am I two hours late for work, but I'm going to have to explain why I am also still wearing his clothes.

Great. Just great.

I run into the building and stop at the coffee bar, grabbing Grayson a bagel and a cup of orange juice. I probably won't be trying to serve him coffee any time in the near future. Orange juice seems like a safe bet. The second that I see my order hit the table, I grab it and run for the elevator, yelling a quick thank you on my way out.

The ride upstairs seems never ending. Maybe he hasn't even noticed that I'm late? I doubt it, but the sliver of hope that I have doesn't diminish.

As soon as the door opens wide enough for me to squeeze my way through, I run out of the elevator and towards Grayson's office. My movements are halted as I collide with who else but Grayson. The bagel and orange juice crash into him and onto the floor.

"Oh my God. I am so, so, so, sorry." I say quickly, seeing the juice stain that now covers Grayson's shirt.

"It's fine." He says, looking at me with surprise. "Are you okay?" He asks with concern.

"Yeah, I just wasn't paying attention. I'm so sorry." I repeat.

He doesn't say anything in reply as he bends down to pick the bagel up off of the floor along with the now empty cup of juice.

"Do you want me to go and get you a new bagel? And juice?" He asks, throwing the items into the trashcan a few feet away.

"No! No, that's fine. Those were actually for you. I was trying to do something to make up for the fact that I was running late." I say with a nervous look.

"You were late?" He asks.

"Yeah...I just got here. I accidently set the wrong alarms and overslept. I'm sorry, sir. I'll stay late if you need me to. Anything you need, I'll be happy to do." I say quickly. I know I'm rambling at this point, and the look he gives me tells me that he can sense my panic.

"I didn't even know that you were late. It's fine. I just got here an hour ago." He says. "Those were for me?" He asks me, gesturing to the trash.

"Yeah." I reply in a small voice.

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