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Natalia's POV

"Hold on. Let me get something for you." Grayson says as he walks towards the kitchen. I hear the water running before he comes back over to me with a wet washcloth. Instead of handing it to me like anyone else would have, he gently wipes at my skin.

"What a gentleman." I tease, giggling as the cloth brushes down my chin and neck.

"I made a mess on you. The least I can do is clean up after myself." He laughs in response.

I get chills as he drags the cloth down my chest and stomach. I refuse to let myself get worked up again. Although, I definitely wouldn't mind going another round of whatever all of that was.

"All clean." He smiles down at me.

"What time is it?" I ask, stretching my arms above my head.

"10:30" He answers, looking at the clock in the kitchen.

"Oh my God." I say, jumping up and searching for my t-shirt.

"What?" He asks.

"My brother's going away party. I had no idea it was that late." I mutter to myself.

"Oh yeah." He says in understanding.

"I literally have nothing to wear." I groan.

"I'm sure Sofia has something here that you can wear. You guys look like you wear the same size." He offers. I give him a look, totally not convinced. There's no way that I wear the same size as Sofia.

"Very flattering, but I'm pretty positive Sofia is like two sizes smaller than me." I groan. "I haven't even taken a shower yet."

"Well, try on what she has here and see if it works. If it doesn't...we'll figure something out. As for the shower, you can take one here. I have everything you'll need, I think. If there's something you need that isn't here, just let me know. Sofia is just next door and I'm sure she has everything under the sun." He assures me.

"Okay, okay." I say with a nod, trying my hardest not to panic.

"I'll show you where she has her stuff, and I'll let you try on what you want. If it doesn't fit, let me know and I'll find something for you." He says, leading me down the hallway and towards a bedroom.

I'm almost positive this room is his, and it's just as neat at the rest of his apartment. A large, king sized bed fits in the center of the room with matching side tables and dresser. There's a TV hanging on the wall and an entire wall covered in mirror. This room is an absolute dream.

"The closet is just over there to the left. Her stuff is in the dresser. I'm going to take a shower in the other bathroom. Just call for me if you need something." He says before leaving me to get ready.

When I know he's gone, I walk into his closet and my eyes go wide. This closet is absolutely massive. There's no reason for his closet to be this big. The left side holds all of his suits that are hanging by color. The middle holds shelves that house all of his shoes. I had no idea he even had this many shoes. The right side has jeans, t-shirts, and sweatshirts. There's a dresser against the wall on the left side and I walk over to see what options I have. Sofia has tons of clothes here that I have never seen her wear. I find a pair of black leggings that just so happen to be my size.

"Perfect." I mutter to myself. Instead of finding a top of hers that probably won't fit, I go over to Grayson's side and look through his t-shirts. Everything is so clean and organized. I could have assumed that this is exactly what his closet would look like. I see a long sleeved white shirt with GRIP going down the sleeve in black lettering. It's so cute and I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone else wear one of these in the office. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I wore it.

Grabbing the shirt and the leggings, I go into the bathroom to take the quickest shower of my entire life. I can hear Grayson in the other room and it sounds like water is running. I'm sure he's taking his time on his own shower. That or he's waiting for me. I guess I didn't really give him a chance to grab any clean clothes.

Finding Sofia's things was the easiest part of all of this. Her expensive shampoo and conditioner was just underneath the sink. Just like everything else in the apartment, they were lined up and organized perfectly. The shower in this bathroom is absolutely insane. There is absolutely no need for a shower this big. The fact that he has four shower heads in here says something. Hell, I only have one shower head in my apartment and it's hit or miss on if i'll even get warm water at times.

I'm so out of my league with this guy.

A soft knock on the door breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Nat?" I hear Grayson call.

"Come in." I call back.

He cracks the bathroom door open gently and peeks his head inside. He looks unsure, but smiles once he sees me.

"I'm dressed, don't worry." I tease. He flushes at me words and his smile doesn't fade.

"I just wanted to grab my body wash and stuff before you started your shower. I don't have any of it in the other bathroom, and I wanted you to have the big shower." He explains.

"Oh, yeah. Of course." I say, stepping to the side so he could enter. He steps inside and takes in the clothes on the counter. I know he notices his shirt instantly.  "I borrowed one of your shirts. I hope you don't mind." 

"Of course not. What's mine is yours." He reaches over and grabs a bottle of shampoo and his own conditioner. My heart leaps at the fact that this man knows not to buy that shitty 2-in-1 stuff that most men have.

"You know...you could always join me." I offer as I slip my t-shirt over my head. His eyes go to my chest instantly.

"Join you?" He asks.

"Yeah, you know. Like, take a shower with me."

"Is that like...normal?" He asks with uncertainty.

"Normal?" I laugh.

"Yeah. Like, people do that?" He asks.

It's moments like this that i'm reminded just how innocent Grayson can be.

"Yes, people do that and yes, it's normal." I assure him as I walk over and begin pulling his shirt off. He lifts his arms and slips his shirt off. "Only if you're okay with it, though." I say.

"I want to do anything that you want to do." He says as he looks down at me.

"Good. Then let's get showered." I say, taking his hand and gently cupping my breast. He inhale deeply and runs his finger over my nipple just as he had this morning.

"I don't want us to be late." He says, running his hand down and placing it on my side.

"We're running late either way, so we might as well enjoy ourselves first." I shrug as I finish undressing and step into the shower. "Now come on, the water feels great." I wink.

Grayson laughs and finishes undressing as he follows in behind me.

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