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"Let's play monopoly!" Sofia exclaims with a giggle.

Shane laughs and shakes his head in disagreement. "I think you've had enough wine." He says as he takes the bottle from her hand and replaces it with a cup of water. He walks into the kitchen and Sofia follows quickly behind him.

"You're no fun!" She groans. 

Dinner was absolutely amazing. I had no idea that the food would be this good. I didn't even know that Shane could cook.

"Did you enjoy dinner?" Grayson asks me as Shane and Sofia begin their own conversation.

"It was honestly amazing. I had no idea that Shane could cook." I reply.

"Hey, you can thank Gray for that one. He's the one who practically forced me into going to all of those cooking lessons with him when we were in our early twenties." Shane says from his spot in the kitchen. 

"You can cook too?" I ask, turning to Grayson.

"Oh please, this guy is probably the best chef that I know." Shane exclaims.

"I'm not really that good." Grayson says softly, ignoring Shane's remark.

"He's just being humble. He's good. Trust me." Shane counters.

"My mom was really into cooking when I was growing up. I just wanted to be able to eat and not starve when I moved out of the house." Grayson informs me. I let out a small laugh in reply, and he smiles softly at me. I feel my cheeks flush as I sense his gaze on me. He's so good looking and I have no idea how it's even possible that i'm here right now.

"I remember when I first met Grayson, his mom would make us help her prepare dinner. That's really how I first learned how to cook." Shane adds.

"Ooh! Remember that one time when you were cutting supposed to be in charge of checking the dinner rolls in the oven? But you got a phone call and forgot all about them!" Sofia says with a loud laugh.

"He nearly set our kitchen on fire." Grayson adds with a small chuckle. I smile at the sound of his laugh. The sound is so carefree and real. I want to hear it so much more than I do now.

"Ha, ha." Shane says, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, at least you tried."  Sofia laughs. "Anyways, i'm getting pretty tired." She lets out a large yawn, which makes Shane yawn in return.

"You know, i'm feeling pretty tired as well." He agrees.

"I think they're kicking us out." I whisper to Grayson with a chuckle.

"I think you're right." He adds. "Sofia, are you coming back to the apartment?" 

"You know...I think me and Shane were going to watch a movie here for a little bit. I'll be back later tonight." She says hesitantly.

Grayson looks at her without saying anything. She begins to look nervous as she quickly nudges Shane, getting his attention.

"Oh! Yeah. Yes. A movie. Yeah, we're going to watch a movie."

"We would totally invite you two to stay and watch with us, but i'm sure you would much rather watch something else. You know how I am with my movies." She adds quickly.

"Yeah, she's been begging me to watch the One Direction movie they just put on Netflix. You know Sofia and her love for One Direction." Shane laughs. Sofia rolls her eyes but doesn't reply.

"Ooh! But you know what! Grayson, you've been talking about watching that one movie." Sofia exclaims, breaking the now very awkward silence.

"What movie?" Grayson says with utter confusion.

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