Kiss The Sexy Vampire

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Soft jazz tunes were playing in the background while I was getting ready for the launch party. Lucas Chase was a personal limo driver. He worked odd hours which meant that he made a decent amount of money. I doubted that his closet was as impressive as Mr. Blackwood's though so I decided to keep my dress simple. Something which would match his tuxedo he'd probably wear. The dress I picked was long and black. The sleeves were see-through with a floral pattern on it. The top was see-through with a floral pattern too. I wore a basic black bra underneath it which pushed my boobs up. The skirt was the dress was flowy, a split to the side which reached my right thigh. I curled the ends of my hair and kept my makeup neutral. I viewed my reflection in the tall mirror, shifting from side to side to observe the dress. It showed off my curves not to mention my boobs. It was a formal dress yet quite seductive. I didn't often wear dresses like these and I knew very well why I decided to wear this dress tonight. It wasn't to impress my date, Lucas Chase. It was all for the man who I barely had a conversation with, ever.

A girl obsessed.

I didn't want to see myself like that, but maybe I was her. I had a date yet I wanted to impress another man. I wasn't even sure if Mr. Blackwood would show up and if he did show up surely he'd also bring a date. Things might have ended with Miss Hairdresser recently but Mr. Blackwood was never single for long. He moved on quickly, everyone knew that.

I lost my damn mind.

Shaking my head at how silly I was being, I stepped away from the mirror and collected my clutch. I pocketed my lipstick, mirror, keys and credit card. The essentials. I eyed my bedside table. I had a few condoms left, they weren't expired either but I doubted anything would happen between Lucas and I. If by some miracle he could pique my interest I had to keep it in my pants. I decided not to take one with me and left the bedroom. I glanced at the clock in the living room, Lucas would be here in fifteen minutes. I nearly dropped my clutch when my phone rang. Taking my phone out I quickly answered it when I noticed who the caller was.


"Hello, hon, I just wanted to make sure if you're ready for tonight."

"I'm ready." I confirmed, "Just waiting for my date." I sat down on the armrest of my couch, "Are you at the party?" I asked her.

"Of course, your father had to do the opening speech." It confused me not hearing any background noise despite my mom being at the party, "I needed to make a call to the office."

So she found a more secluded place to make a call. I shouldn't hold her up much longer, tonight we had obligations. We all needed to put on a smile and be cheerful. Being perfect for photo ops and showing the guests that we were the perfect family.

"I won't hold you up much longer. My date will be here soon. I'll see you at the party."

I ended the call and pocketed my phone. I wasn't very patient so I started to sort the magazines on my coffee table. I made a pile of old magazines I needed to recycle, taking them with me to the kitchen where I had stored a box with old paper. It was getting a large of pile for me to take away along with the box containing plastic bottles and what not. By the time my coffee table was organized and clean my phone beeped. Probably a message from my date. I took my phone out and read the simple text.

I'm here.
- Lucas

The simple text made me smile. I had to admit that I liked people who were straight to the point. The whole dance around a subject was too tiring for me.

I'm on my way.
- Nina

I pocketed my phone, took a deep breath and left the apartment. I made sure to lock it up and headed downstairs. It surprised me to see a limousine waiting for me. A tall man stood before me, dark brown hair and deep green eyes. Mom said he was average looking but he took my breath away. He was rough kind of looking. Like a football player. Broad shoulders, square jaw a straight nose. He smiled at me, revealing two dimples. He took my breath away with that subtle smile.

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