The Promise

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There were no words to describe how awkward our date had become. Mr. Blackwood ruined the perfect date with his stupid words filled with implication. Lucas and I finished our hot drinks and walked back to the car. We weren't in that mood which was between sugar high and completely zen.

It was an addictive feeling.

Yet when the feeling wore off it felt like I had run a marathon and couldn't catch my breath. We sat in silence, Lucas turning on the radio to break the tension. Once the soft voice of a woman singing about people being lost stars we both settled down.

"Is there history between you two?"

What happened between us was too recent to be called history, yet I didn't want to talk about it. Lucas was a nice guy but I doubted he wanted to explore things if he knew just how conflicted I was when it came to Mr. Blackwood. I knew very well there was no future between us.

That man was something else.

I don't know why he exchanged girlfriends almost every month and I wasn't sure if I wanted to know. The truth might be so fucking ugly I could never sleep again. But it was obvious that there was something going on. It was in the way that man said things. I couldn't help but wonder he intentionally said it to ruin my date.

Fucking asshole.

"We have no history." I answered, "But like I said things between us are weird at the moment."

"Weird how?"

"Weird as in I witnessed the mess his ex-girlfriend left behind. I got the job to replace the mess. Our communication as always going via email. Then at the launch party, we saw each other in person again. It had been months since we met face to face. We talked. I needed an escape because I hadn't done the public family thing in a while and he needed an escape because people were curious about the next woman he may or may not date."

"I've seen theories online." Lucas admitted, "They are going for that actress who just had her first big role in that action movie. Something about explosions and car chases."

I laughed, "So basically the average action movie?"

He nodded, "Basically, but I heard she was damn good in it."

"Did she look hot in a tight dress while escaping the bad guys?"

He grinned at me, "Heard she looked so fucking hot women turn gay for her."

I shook my head, grinning from ear to ear. The tension was broken. Whatever Mr. Blackwood tried to do tonight didn't work. I was glad Lucas was a nice guy. I needed someone like him in my life. As a person who easily got lost Mr. Blackwood was definitely not the safe choice. He'd tear me apart emotionally. Lucas would keep me together. Next time I saw that man I'd give him a piece of my mind. Without trying to dry hump him, of course. That could never happen again.

"So anyway he told me about his night being pretty bad and I tried to cheer him up. I kissed him and left."

"You kissed him?"

"It wasn't the best decision I made but it happened. I can't take it back. He emailed me to let me know we needed to talk. I assumed he wanted to talk about what happened. I prepared a speech about that kiss but when I talked about it he brushed it off. He said you couldn't even call it a kiss."

I left out the part where I made out with him in his office and then ran away. That wasn't supposed to happen. It just felt like Mr. Blackwood challenged me or better yet mocked me and I felt the need to prove him wrong. If he hadn't said those words surely that little make-out session never would have happened. I blame it all on him and his smug attitude. Me running away said a lot, I thought. If I wanted things to escalate between Mr. Blackwood and me, I would have stayed. I chose Lucas so he didn't need to know about what could have happened.

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