Orange Drab

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Lounging in bed was a plus when Lucas was there. His big body emitted warmth and his big arms wrapped around me made me feel as comfy as on a Christmas morning when sipping hot chocolate in my hideous Christmas onesie. This little peaceful moment couldn't last forever though. My stomach grumbled, my cheeks heating up so bad with embarrassment. Lucas' grip on me tightened, his laughter making my body shake as well. He kissed me a few times on my hair.

"We should have dinner."

I snuggled closer to him, "Yes, I made you a freaking lemon chicken which will blow your mind. Not to mention pumpkin soup which is to die for."

"I'm in the mood for some soup."

He rolled on top of me, his eyes alight with warmth and something else. I didn't dare to go there, it was too early. It could be something my mind made up due to the lovemaking. Lucas leaned down and captured my lips for a kiss. It was gentle and soft and made me feel things I wasn't supposed to right now. A brain dazed by too many emotions at once.

"I want some soup too," I admitted when Lucas pulled away.

Lucas brushed his fingers over my cheek, a soft touch which I barely felt. The way you'd gently touch the little hand of a newborn baby. With a bright smile, he rolled away from me, leaned over the bed and grabbed his boxers. Grey colored which fitted snug around his hips. He hid himself from me which was a good thing. Desire was already pooling in my stomach again. I needed to escape it. Pumpkin soup needed to warm me from the inside out.

"I'll take care of it." He told me, "I'll be right back."

He walked around the bed, leaned closer and pressed another kiss to my head. He was so affectionate with me it almost hurt. I didn't want him to go which was silly. I smiled at him in reassurance and watched him leave the bedroom. I took a minute to stare at the ceiling, thinking about the words I was going to say. It would ruin this moment. The blanket of warmth and security would get ripped away from me. When that happened I didn't want to be naked. I sat up, my hair a tangled mess. I ran my fingers through my hair to fix it as much as I could. I then left the bed, the cold hair making me shiver. With careful steps, I approached my closet and grabbed my favorite robe. I had two, one fluffy one which was comfy especially on days I had my period and I felt like dying. Then there was the robe which made me feel gorgeous. A deep red color, silk and smooth. I grabbed it and slipped it on, tying it loosely around my waist.

Dress to seduce.

Stepping before the tall mirror I fixed my hair, wiping away the black smudges of my mascara and eyeliner. It made it a little better but Lucas already saw me when I had raccoon eyes. I collected his clothes off the floor and neatly placed them on the chair by the tall mirror. I made the bed, not wanting to think about the mess. I sat on top of the sheets and greeted Lucas who came back carrying two bowls of delicious soup with a smile.

"You look gorgeous."

He handed me my bowl, it was warm but I could still hold it. Lucas helped me prop up the pillows against the headboard. We sat side by side, holding warm bowls of soup. I grabbed my spoon and started with the soup.

"You are right, this is delicious."

I smiled as I took another spoonful of orange deliciousness, "You should try the lemon chicken."

"I put that in the fridge, along with the rest of the food you made."

I glanced at him, "You are amazing."

He responded with a grin, "Only compliments are shared between us after that."

"There won't be any more compliments after I talk to you about something which bothered me for a little while. I tried to come up with a solution on my own since I'm an adult and I need to handle this on my own. But I can't. I'm not a good liar nor am I skilled at manipulating people. I'm just me, a little insecure sometimes and very awkward most of the time-"

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