Point Made, Sweetheart

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Jacob behaved like his usual smug self. The gossip was there, there were lots of things going on online but he didn't seem bothered with it. The speculation of our engagement did help with making the blow of the scandal less damaging.

Jacob Blackwood always got what he wanted.

I knew that when accepting his deal. But like the loyal driver mentioned it was Jacob Blackwood who needed me, not the other way around. He needed me to win this battle against his former personal assistant. Knowing that made me smile from ear to ear. I'd be an evil planning mastermind and hopefully, Jacob Blackwood would be amazed and humbled by me. That was wishful thinking but I wanted him to know I wouldn't just roll over when he told me to simply because he bought me as he called it.

That man had no soul, I was marrying a guy with no soul.

"Some tea?" Mrs. Quaked asked me.

I wore a silk black robe and fluffy socks so my feet stayed warm on the cold tiles in the kitchen. Mrs. Quake looked happy to see me. She was a friendly face who always had my back. I hoped Jacob wouldn't replace Mrs. Quake or Joel. They were both good people who made me feel at home. Jacob did mention when he put up an act that his home was now my home. The possibilities were endless now.

"You have that look on your face."

I flickered my eyes to Mrs. Quake who was making me a cup of tea, "What look?" I asked, feeling a bit exposed since I was plotting in my head to bring Jacob to his knees.


"I was thinking," I muttered, thanking her when she handed me a cup of tea.

The tea was fruity which made it smell amazingly sweet. It was I needed to settle the nerves.

"Is there something I can help you with?" She asked.

I knew from experience that I was the first woman who started living with Jacob Blackwood who didn't lock themselves up in his bedroom. His previous girlfriends were always pretending they were better than everyone else. Mrs. Quake could never socialize with them because they always treated her like crap. I never wanted to become like those women. The people close to me could never be forgotten. Made up my mind I faced Mrs. Quake with a smile spread across my face. I could tell she was taken back by it. I could understand why she was confused, I was smiling at her like a creepy stalker waiting for the right moment to strike.

In a way, I was being a creepy stalker right now. I wouldn't feel guilty about that.

"I want to invite my family over for dinner."

Mrs. Quake grinned, it seemed she liked that idea. It would definitely make this cold penthouse feel a lot warmer and more inviting.

"I will prepare a menu and we can go over it together-"

She started planning and rambling on and on about dinner. I couldn't stop her despite me wanting to put a stop to her over planning this. I wanted a simple family dinner so that I could catch up with them and catch Jacob off guard. Killing two birds with one stone.

"I wanted to cook something myself." I mumbled, "If you don't mind."

I didn't want to hurt her feelings, she was hired to take care of Jacob and his house basically. The last thing I wanted to do was making her feel like she wasn't doing a great job.

"Oh, that's great." It didn't sound like she was unhappy about my suggestion, she actually showed me a warm smile, "If you need help with anything just let me know, okay?"

"Can I look what I can work with?" I asked her.

Mrs. Quake laughed at me, "Honey, this is your home now. I'm the one who is supposed to ask you permission for things, not the other way around."

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