Lucifer Himself

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I needed to wear body armor when meeting up with Mr. Blackwood. The man had proven to be mischievous. He loved making fun of me, I established that after our make-out session in his office and our brief meeting in that Japanese restaurant. The sushi was amazing there, I made a mental note to mention it to Lucas in the near future. I wore a tight, off the shoulder black dress which reached just above my knees. Underneath it, I wore black tights and paired it up with suede black boots. I had done my hair and make-up, taking my time with it because I wanted to blow that man away. I shrugged on my grey coat and grabbed my bag. Once I was certain I had all the essentials I headed downstairs and grabbed a cab.

Hello dear sister,

You'll be meeting Mr. Blackwood in a few minutes.
Just remind yourself to get straight to the point.
If you things do get messy, I'm here for you.


I smiled, letting out an exasperated sigh. My brother definitely had issues when it came to romance. He was waiting for the right woman who made his heart race and who he didn't mind snuggling up to. I got that. We were both adults, the subject of physical relationships shouldn't be this awkward though. I assumed it became awkward because we are siblings. We needed to speak in code to make it less awkward.

Morning Nick,

Thank you for always being there for me.
I appreciate it.
You are the best brother ever.

Love you,


I knew he'd get embarrassed reading my email, but I didn't care. Those things needed to be said because they were true. Without my brother's support, I would have lost it a long time ago. I pulled my coat tighter around me, trying to protect me from the morning breeze. It was so chilly these days. I needed a coffee to wake me up and warm up my body. I arrived at the coffee shop a little over ten. Paying the cab fare I quickly skipped inside the coffee shop. The morning rush was over which was a relief. I spotted the man easily, straightening my shoulders I approached him with confident steps.

I could do this.

His eyes glittered as he watched me walk over. He sipped his coffee without a care in the world, looking so comfortable in his seat. He placed his cup down when I pulled back the chair across him and dropped my bag in the seat first.

"You mind if I order first?" I asked him.

His lips curled up to a smile, "No, go ahead."

I grabbed my wallet and walked up to the counter. I could feel his eyes on me, I didn't dare to breathe because I was afraid I'd somehow slip up and fall flat on my face. I told myself over and over again that it was stupid that I wanted to look so perfect all the damn time for that man. I ordered a cappuccino and met up with Mr. Blackwood again. I grabbed my bag, sat down in the chair and dropped my bag in my lap while I sipped my coffee.

"All settled?" Mr. Blackwood asked.

I nodded.

"Good." He placed his phone on the table next to his cup of coffee, "How was lunch with your brother? It looked like you were having a great time."

"You heard everything, didn't you?"

Nick told me to get straight to the point. I would do that, just getting it all out there because at this point I think the only thing which could embarrass me more was indeed falling flat on my face.

"About us getting into something messy and complicated?" He asked, "It was quite entertaining. It made my date behave like a jealous harpy."

I smiled at him, "You never learn, do you?"

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