Speak of The Devil

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Nick was upset with me. A few hours later after hiding in my room like a scaredy-cat, he managed to make me face him. I showered, wore an oversized sweater with tight jeans underneath it and settled on the couch. Nick sat beside me, his eyes narrowed on me. He looked at me like a stern older brother. He was not upset with me, just disappointed.

"We're going to have this conversation first and then we'll head outside to grab lunch."

I nodded, that sounded like a great plan. The fresh air would do us both some good.

"Hiding from your problems is not going to magically make them disappear. You need to face Mr. Blackwood and have a real conversation with him. Preferably not in his office since you apparently have no self-control.'

My cheeks heated, "Nick!"

He didn't look embarrassed at all stating the obvious. I, however, wanted to crawl back into bed. He was right, that wouldn't fix anything.

"So I meet up with him in a public place and have the dreaded conversation."

"Yes." Nick said in a firm tone, "Hopefully things will work out and you can keep your job."

That was wishful thinking. I doubted the man would want to work together with someone as unprofessional as me.

"I should give mom a call, she mentioned she made a list of potential clients for me."

"That's good, if things don't work out with Mr. Blackwood you'll have new clients to focus on." He flashed me a pointed look, "If that doesn't work out you can come work for Merigold." His lips tugged to a smile, "I promise it's not that bad at the office."

"I know," I muttered.

It just never appealed to me to work behind a desk nine to five. I knew it entailed more than that but I found something I liked to do and I didn't want to give that up. That night I shouldn't have been so bold to kiss that man. He might not have considered it a kiss but I considered it to be one. Then getting worked up over nothing was even worse. I needed to grow up already.

"I will email him back now," I told Nick.

"Good. You do that. I'll get ready."

Nick left the living room to freshen up. I grabbed my phone from my room and opened up Mr. Blackwood's email. Just reading his words made me nervous. This could very well mean the end of our business arrangement. Sighing I started typing away.

Good afternoon, Mr. Blackwood,

I had a great time last night.
Hope you had a good one too.
Monday does work for me but I'd like to meet up at a coffee shop close by if you don't mind.I do know we have a lot to discuss, some subject might be sensitive so I understand if you want to pick a location. Just let me know what works for you.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Kind Regards,
Miss Merigold

After pressing send I got up from the couch and headed to the bedroom. I threw on a pair of socks and wore my white sneakers. When Nick left the bathroom I quickly freshened up as well. We headed out the door ten minutes later and walked around to find a place to eat. We walked into a Japanese restaurant since I suddenly had a craving for miso soup. Nick went along with it and ordered himself some sushi. He ordered enough for me to steal one or two.

"So about Fenna-"

Nick rolled his eyes, "I'm not interested."

I stared at him, confused as to why he wasn't interested in her. She was a beautiful woman, also quite successful. She worked for Mr. Blackwood himself which would open doors for her if she ever decided to quit her job and find something else to do.

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