Ten Years From Now

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Nick arrived at my apartment much faster than me. He looked impatient, his hands shoved in the pockets of his long black coat. Surely it kept him warm since the suits were nice to look at but didn't keep you warm when the fall wind was so cold it felt like a slap to the face every time you walked out the door.

"Nina." He greeted in a tight voice.

Nick was definitely not happy at the moment.

"Nick." I greeted back.

I moved past him and unlocked the door to my apartment. I stepped aside to let him in first, yet Nick didn't take up my offer. Like a gentleman, he gestured for me to head in first. So I headed in first, took my shoes off and headed straight to my bedroom.

"I'll be right back, make yourself at home." I called over my shoulder, "I'm just going to put this away. Do you want tea or coffee?" I asked as I tossed my weekend bag on the end of my bed.

I took my keys, phone, and Jacob's penthouse keys out of the pockets of my jacket and placed them on my bedside table. I then shrugged my jacket off and also tossed that on my bed. Reaching for my grey slippers I put them on and met up with Nick in the living room.

"Tea or coffee?" I asked again.

"Tea, please." He sat down on the couch, "I can't stay long, I just felt like we needed to meet up after the bomb you dropped."

"Then you can imagine how I feel right now."

I felt his eyes on me as I made my way to the kitchen, "No, I can't."

There were a lot of thoughts floating around my head about this proposal. The reoccurring one nagging at me that Jacob was just playing a sick game. He couldn't have me despite both of us knowing that I was attracted to him so he tried to tempt me. Tried giving me what I wanted so he could win this game of chase. If I still rejected the proposal I wouldn't be freed from him since he made it so that I still worked for him.

"Have you talked to Lucas yet?"

I nearly spilled cold water all over my brother who needed to head back to the office soon. He didn't look startled and even though I apologized he brushed it off. He was in serious mode. No stalling and definitely no small talk.

"I haven't talked to Lucas yet, I didn't know what was happening." I put the kettle on and grabbed two cups from the cupboard. A navy one for Nick and a rose-colored one for me. Not that it mattered since Nick was only focused on me right now, "I mean he proposed."

"With a ring and all that?" Nick asked.

Grabbing the wooden box which I kept my teas stored in I went through it to find something to my liking. Nick immediately went for an Earl Grey tea bag. I grabbed a strawberry infused with raspberry black tea teabag. We both tossed our teabags in our cups and waited for the kettle to let us know we could have our tea.

"No, nothing like that. It was more like a proposition."

Nick frowned, "And that made you consider it?"

I played with the hem of my shirt, refusing to look at my brother, "Who says I'm considering it."

"You are considering it." Nick stated without hesitation, "And I'd like to know why. What has Jacob Blackwood to offer to make you consider breaking up with Lucas who is a very nice guy? He has been nothing but patient with you."

Nick was right. Lucas had been patient with me. He was a very kind guy who enjoyed spending time with the people close to him. He tried to cook a decent meal to impress me and he tried to involve me more in his life. It had been very nice and comfortable with Lucas. But there was always the little itch I had. I always wondered about Jacob. He was always on my mind. While Lucas always referred to my life as that world. The world my parents and Jacob Blackwood moved in. He wasn't comfortable with it but he put up with it because of me. Jacob wouldn't feel out of place. He was like the king of our social circle. A serious relationship is what I wanted and now the dark and handsome CEO was offering it to me on a silver platter.

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