The Ugly Side of Things

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The wine definitely made it a slow morning for me. I had a meeting with one of my clients, we'd go for lunch and discuss the job. I wasn't looking forward to it, but I had to commit to it. Instead of focusing on the men in my life it was better to focus on my career. It had been slow but I had the power to make it into something more. I sat on the couch with a bowl of yogurt with berries. I wanted to head back to bed but I forced myself to have a normal morning even if it was a bit slow. I purposely left my phone in the bedroom. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. All I wanted was to be alone to clear my head. I finished breakfast and headed to the kitchen to wash the dishes. I was feeling more human already when the doorbell rang. I froze, I wasn't ready to face anyone close to me yet but I didn't have much of a choice. Whoever decided to pay me a visit was very persistent. They'd annoy the neighbors with their ringing. Drying my hands I made my way to the door and opened it cautiously. I was greeted by the sight of Joy.

"Morning." She greeted.

She sounded unsure. Maybe she didn't quite make up her mind as to why she paid me a visit.

"Morning." I greeted back.

I held the door open for her so she could enter. She cautiously entered, waiting for me to invite her to have a seat. I imagined her showing up angry and upset yet she looked so hesitant and unsure. It made me feel bad. Joy cared about Lucas and she mentioned a few times already how happy she was for us. The fight I had with Lucas must have worried her. I didn't want her to stand so awkwardly and wait for the right moment to speak up. It was best to get the conversation over with for both our sakes.

"Come in. We'll talk in the living room."

Joy seemed relieved with my suggestion. She followed me to the living room while she took a seat I offered her coffee or tea.

"Tea, please."

"Floral or fruity?" I asked.

She smiled at the option, "Fruity."

"I'll be right back." I promised, "Make yourself at home."

Making some tea would give me some time to figure out what to say to Joy. I didn't want to tell her about my conversation with Lucas. That was between us but I wanted to assure her as well. I hadn't cleared my head yet so I was still confused and unsure. It wouldn't help our conversation. I grabbed her a dove grey cup and chose a sweeter kind of fruity tea. It was caramelized pear tea which tasted like dessert in a cup. Once the tea settled I grabbed the cup and walked up to Joy, handing her the cup of tea.

"Thank you." She said quietly.

I sat down and reached for my half-finished cup of coffee. I needed more but it would make me feel worse. A racing heart and anxiety which would settle in my stomach. It was best to keep it at one cup and then switch to water and tea. Joy and I shared a look. Neither one of us wanted to speak up but then we'd sit on the couch forever. I had a lunch meeting and I was sure Joy had a shift at the coffee shop.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked me quietly.

The fight was not something I wanted to talk about but I knew I owed her something more than a mere shrug and a look.

"I don't want to talk about it just yet." I admitted, "I need to clear my head and decide for myself what I want."

She nodded, clutching her cup in both hands, "I get that." She stared at her tea, "Lucas seemed really upset when he came home last night. I think he was sad about how things ended last night."

Things ended on a bad note and it was because I kicked him out. I was aware of that, but at the time I couldn't have him around. I needed to be alone then otherwise things would get way out of hand. The things which were said were still floating around in my head. That's why I needed a little bit of me-time to figure out what I wanted. It could be that Lucas didn't want the same things as me in life and despite us caring for each other, we wouldn't be happy in our relationship.

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