Huge Diamond Ring

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Tonight was the night. I made sure to groom, wanting to look my absolute best when meeting Jacob. I wore a lavender lace dress which reached just above my knees, my blonde hair down and curled at the ends. My makeup I kept natural not wanting my look to be harsh. I went for the sweet and more innocent look. It was the complete opposite to Jacob's dark and sinister look.

Jacob would take one look at me and just know.

Not wanting to stall any longer I left the apartment and grabbed a cab. My heart was beating out of my chest, the tight feeling in my stomach getting worse as we reached the penthouse. I paid the cab fare and swallowed nervously as I stepped out of the cab.

This was it.

The start of my new life. There was no turning back now. In my clutch, I held the key to his penthouse. As I took the elevator to the penthouse I grabbed the key and stared at it. I could do this. After so many stressful moments between us, we were going to become a team. It was what I wanted from the start and it's what I got in the end.

The elevator arrived at the penthouse, taking a deep breath I unlocked the door and stepped out of the elevator. I was greeted by the man himself. His eyes wandered me from head to toe. His lips tugged to a knowing smile. His grey eyes glittering mischievously.

"Hello, Miss Merigold."

He held his hand out to me, I took it without hesitation my eyes never leaving his. He pulled me closer, resting his other hand on my lower back. I closed my eyes when I felt his lips brush against my jaw. It was a soft and gentle touch, not something I was used to when it came to this man.

"Let's get you comfortable." He pulled away and took my coat.

"Thanks," I whispered.

He was putting my coat away while I took in the penthouse. It was exactly the same as I remember. Very clean and modern looking. Jacob came back carrying two flutes and a bottle of champagne. I sat down on the couch and watched as he poured bubbles into the flutes. I suppose this was a moment we celebrated. We were going to get married.

Jacob raised his flute to me, "To us."

I raised my flute to that, "To us." I repeated.

Taking my first sip I felt all bubbly inside. I didn't know it was the champagne already lifting my mood or it was the fact that Jacob sat beside me and looked at me as if I was the last cookie in the cookie jar. He reached into the inner pocket of his jacket, making me stare at him in awe as he showed me a velvet black box. He placed is flute on the coffee table and opened the box to reveal to me a beautiful sparkling diamond ring. It wasn't subtle either. It was a teardrop white diamond which was totally in your face.

"We should make this official."

He took the ring out of the box, placed the velvet box on the coffee table as well and then reached for me. I held my breath when his hand gently grabbed mine and he slid the ring around my finger. It was a little too big but there was no way he could guess my size with just eying my finger.

"That's a big diamond," I said once he released my hand so I could take a better look at it.

The gleam in his eyes told me that's what he aimed for.

"It would be hard to ignore."

Yes, he wanted the world to know I was taken. Not that it would be hard. The whole city was curious about his private life. Everyone was always guessing who he'd date next. The scandal with Fenna would come out soon and that along with the announcement with us getting married would create chaos. I was sure I'd get through it with the support of the family.

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