Needy Kiss

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Nick and I settled on the couch with a cup of tea. Mrs. Quake already went home but that didn't mean we couldn't have a delicious hot drink together. Before I got engaged to Jacob Blackwood I didn't have a housekeeper around to make life easier for me. It still felt a little awkward to let the woman take care of me but it was her job and I had to remind myself of that.

"You okay?" Nick asked, eying me warily.

He was probably afraid I would break down now that we were alone. But I honestly wasn't too concerned about that video being out there. Nick made sure I didn't watch it but I was so curious. I wanted to know if Jacob enjoyed it.

Did he like it more than when he slept with me?

I wanted to know. I knew it could ruin our relationship but how could I not watch it when it was out there for everyone to see?

I'd be the idiot who stayed oblivious because she was head over heels for a man who barely cared. It wasn't like that between us but it was how the people around us would view us as a couple. I could still remember the smug looking face of that woman in the bathroom. I grabbed my phone which made Nick shift beside me. He was ready to steal my phone and hold it hostage until Jacob got here. I found the picture Mrs. Quake took of us and sighed.

"This now looks like it had been taken ten years ago."

Nick glanced at the picture, then took the phone from me to observe it a bit closer, "It's cute. Didn't know Jacob could look genuinely happy." He handed me my phone back, "You should upload it to make a statement. You can't deny how happy you two look. Let Fenna and everyone else know that you two are still strong together."

"Won't people call me out on it?"

"Probably but won't it be a slap in the face? Fenna tried to ruin your relationship with that video but that photo lets her know that her plan didn't work."

I did want to show that woman that her plan didn't work. She deserved to know that the wedding was still on and that she was just a little hurdle Jacob and I would move past. Nick handed me my phone back without me asking for it. He probably noticed the determined look in my eyes. He got to his feet and took my cup from me.

"More tea?"

"Please!" I smiled at him.

Before I could change my mind I uploaded the picture and put my phone away. I was tempted to look up the video but maybe I really shouldn't. I went upstairs to quickly change clothes. I couldn't sit in my fancy dress forever. I wanted to be as comfy as possible. Ten minutes later I found myself on my living room couch again, sipping tea and talking to Nick about everything else besides the sex tape of my future husband. When Jacob walked in he looked concerned, so out of sorts that it was almost comical.

"Nina." Jacob approached me with quick steps.

I quickly handed my cup to Nick because I had a feeling Jacob would reach for me to calm himself down and the last thing I wanted to do was spill tea all over the nice comfy couch. Jacob stood before me and without warning grabbed my hands and pulled me up. I was right about him needing to be close to me. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, hugging me as if this was the last time we would see each other. That was not what I wanted.

"It's alright," I reassured him.

"It's not." He pulled out of the hug and cupped my face, "We knew this would happen, we prepared for it but that doesn't make it alright."

"At least he's aware," Nick muttered.

I rolled my eyes when I noticed the guys were glaring at each other. Nick definitely didn't like Jacob but he tolerated him for my sake. Jacob knew Nick didn't like him but was aware that my brother did in fact like Lucas quite a lot. Dare I say the man disliked that thought?

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