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My hair was a mess. It was even worse than sex hair, all over the place and the only way I could tame it was by washing it. Jacob didn't seem to mind. His internal alarm went off and around six in the morning, he rolled out of bed, waking me by kissing my cheek. He brushed his fingers very affectionately over my cheek and then pulled away.

Did he just try to wake me because he was awake?

I rolled away from him, "Jerk." I mumbled, tiredly, trying to hide my face beneath my pillow.

"It's not what you said last night."

I peeked at him from underneath my pillow, "I was occupied."

His smug look made me glare at him as best I could with tired eyes. He walked away from me in his boxers which fitted snugly around his hips. He was getting ready for the day. It was a Saturday but I suppose Jacob Blackwood needed to make a quick trip to the office after last night's PR disaster. I sat up, pulling the sheets up though Jacob's white shirt did keep me warm enough. It smelled like him too.

Fresh and inviting.

I eyed the closed bathroom door cautiously. He'd be a while it would be enough time for me to sneak a peek. Curiosity killed the cat they say but how could I not watch that stupid video? I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and searched for the video. It wasn't that hard to find, everyone was sharing it. I ignored the dirty comments and also the hateful comments. All I wanted was to see how Jacob was with another woman.

I definitely lost it.

Holding my breath I pressed play and tilted the screen. It was the worst decision I made. The sex wasn't even exciting. Fenna was seated on the edge of the desk while Jacob fucked her. Thankfully both of them wore their clothes so there were no body parts I didn't want to see. Jacob and I had more passion between us, it was clear from viewing this video yet I still hated it. I couldn't see him like that. I didn't want to see another woman enjoy her time with him like that. Quickly tapping away I dropped my phone beside me on the messy bed and buried my face in my hands, trying to talk myself out of crying.

I couldn't cry.

Jacob would know I watched the video even though he more or less demanded of me not to watch it because of this reason. He tried to persuade me last night. It ended up with us in bed, going at it for hours. It was great and we both enjoyed it. I needed to focus on that, remind myself of the look in his eyes when he hovered above me and kept the pace nice and slow.

Eyes filled with warmth, that was only for me.

I felt a bit better and when Jacob strolled out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist I could greet him with a smile. It was a small smile but it was still a smile which reached my eyes. He could brush it off as me being tired and not yet awake.

"There is something I want to discuss with you." He passed me and walked into his nice walk-in closet.

"What's that?"

He walked out of the closet, wearing black boxers and his white shirt unbuttoned showing off his firm chest and all the nice muscles. The red scratches on his chest making me bite my lower lip as I remembered the passionate night we shared.

His eyes glittered yet he still managed to talk about whatever was on his mind, "Have you seriously thought about our future together?" He asked, his eyes narrowing on me.

I shook my head, I hadn't actually thought about what I wanted from this. Marriage and then kids, I suppose. It's what I demanded of Lucas yet he couldn't give it to me. I didn't demand it of Jacob, but that could be because we didn't spend much time together as an actual couple. He didn't have the time.

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