Zombie Nina

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What I absolutely despised was Jacob waking me up early in the morning without a good reason. He shook me gently, brushing his fingers through my messy hair when I groaned. There was no way I was getting out of bed. I didn't have to head to the office. The one who should worry about waking up at the crack of dawn was him.

"Sweetheart." He whispered.

I rolled away from him, burying my head underneath his pillow instead.

He chuckled, "That's not a great escape plan." He pointed out.

It really wasn't, it was only a pillow away but my brain was still asleep.

"You have a guest."

I rolled to my side and peeked at him from underneath his pillow, "Which monster decided to let you wake me at this God awful hour?"

His stormy gaze glittered. He was having too much fun with this which answered my question. Stretching I tried to feel more alive. It didn't help but at least I was trying. Sitting up I brushed my hair out of my face and stared at my fiancé without really seeing him. I noticed how Jacob's eyes lingered on the necklace he gifted me. He flickered his eyes up, folding his arms across his chest to look more menacing.

Probably to intimidate me so I would hurry.

"Tell Nick I need a minute, I'll be right there," I mumbled.

I struggled to wake up my brain, but thankfully Jacob thought of everything as always. He pointed at the mug filled with delicious smelling coffee which he had put on my bedside table.

"While you freshen up I'll keep Nick company." He straightened his tie and brushed off his jacket as if dust covered it which was not true at all. It was just a habit he couldn't shake off, "I need to be at the office in an hour so hurry up."

I brushed his orders off and rolled out of bed. Cold air hit me hard which made me shiver and complain about the men in my life being jerks. They were huge arrogant jerks. Strolling into the bathroom I turned around to close the door but Jacob appeared in the doorway.

"What?" I asked.

"Nick has to go to the office after his conversation with him," Jacob informed me.

That wasn't news to me, it did confuse me that he brought it up.

"I know," I mumbled.

He nodded, "So don't give him too much of a hard time, okay?"

Even though I was still half asleep and moved around like a Zombie I still knew that Jacob was being sweet and caring. He didn't want me to give my brother a hard time since he still had a long day ahead of him.

"I won't." I promised, "I already got my revenge at the Christmas dinner."

Jacob brushed his hand over my head in a gentle manner, showing his affection like he was caring for a puppy. I pushed him away and brushed him off.

"You're the one distracting me, you know. Let me get ready so you can be on time for whatever you need to do at the office."

He smiled, this time letting me close the bathroom door without distracting me. I freshened up quickly, throwing on a pair of dark grey yoga pants and one of Jacob's white shirts. It was big and comfy and would help me feel more at ease as I talked to Nick about whatever he thought was urgent enough to pay me a visit this early in the morning. I was about to leave the bedroom when I felt another cold shiver run down my spine.

Socks. I needed fluffy socks to help me stay warm.

Grabbing a pair of pink fluffy socks I put them on and this time didn't forget about my mug filled with coffee either. Holding tightly onto it as if it was made out of gold I joined Jacob and Nick in the living room. Jacob looked pleased to see me, maybe he liked seeing me in his clothes. That darkened look in his eyes was kind of inappropriate with my brother in the room.

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