No Regrets

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I was staring at the coffee maker waiting patiently for the bean water I needed to wake up. For my own sanity, I didn't look at my Social Media because I knew rumors were spreading. I awaited a phone call from my brother but Nick stayed away this time around. I wondered if I messed things up by not answering his call and then not returning his call. I needed to make things up. I couldn't lose my best friend. The coffee was nearly done and it was almost sad how excited I was about that. The shrill sound of my doorbell echoing through the room made me jump. I had a feeling it was Nick since he showed up unannounced from time to time. Last time it was Joy who paid me a visit but I doubted she'd be here again. I left my coffee and answered the door, surprised to see my mom standing before me looking all fabulous and very professional. She probably decided to pay me a visit before heading into the office.

It meant that I messed up.

I held the door open, inviting mom to enter, "Come in, I'm making coffee. Do you want a cup too?"

"Sounds lovely, honey."

Mom was being nice so she'd carefully address the situation. I appreciated that. I made my way into the kitchen while mom got comfortable in the living room. I poured coffee into our mugs, made the coffee the way we liked it and then joined mom in the living room.

"Thank you." She took the mug I offered her.

I sat down beside her, staring down at the hot liquid in my mug so I didn't have to see the disappointment in her eyes.

"How are things with Lucas?" Mom asked.

"Not that great." I admitted to her, "We had an argument the other day about our future and I haven't talked to him ever since." I didn't want to lie about my relationship to her because I was very tempted to accept Jacob's offer. She'd find out the truth because I doubted Lucas would cover up for someone like me.

"What exactly was the argument about?" Mom asked, looking curious.

She didn't look upset with me, she was merely there to listen. It was such a relief that she didn't get angry with me already. It made me feel more comfortable to talk about what was actually going on in my life.

"I want to get married and have kids in the near future while Lucas hasn't made up his mind about those things." I clutched my mug and tried to sip my coffee. It was hot but little sips worked out fine. It warmed me up from the inside out, making me feel better, "We didn't talk about it after the argument because I kicked him out."

"Nina." The sigh which followed told me mom was disappointed about that.

"I was really upset but I know that's no excuse."

"It's good that you know that you didn't handle it well." Mom also sipped her coffee, she talked to me in a soft voice, "You should apologize for that but I think it's good that you know where you are both standing."

"Mom." I trailed off.

The gleam in her eyes told me that she knew there was more to the story. She didn't push me, she waited for me to speak up.

"Jacob Blackwood proposed to me."

I leaned back as I watched mom cough, she choked in her coffee with me announcing that so casually. I probably should have been more subtle about it. I just didn't know how to be subtle about another man proposing to me. Someone mom and dad were close to and respected. I could see a rainbow of emotions flash through her eyes. She then settled down and flashed me a little unsure smile. The calmness I felt from her a minute ago slipped away. She tried to hide her confusion but I could feel it radiating off her.

"H-How did that happen, sweetheart?"

"I don't want you to get upset with me," I whispered.

Mom reached for me, placing her hand on my arm and giving it a gentle squeeze, "How could I get upset with my daughter? There is nothing we can't fix together."

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