The Proposal

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The intense stare of Jacob Blackwood made me want to shift in my chair. I forced myself to sit completely still, staring back at him. I could tell that Jacob was at loss, he tried to hide it but my words probably made him change his game. Unlike me, he pulled himself back together quickly.

"Glad you could make it."

That voice of him did things to me that I didn't want to face. I shifted in my chair despite my brain telling my body to stay put.

"We should resolve this matter quickly."

I swallowed nervously. The darkened look in his eyes told me he noticed. The sides of his lips curled up to a knowing smirk.

"We should." Jacob moved forward, folding his fingers together and resting his hands on top of his desk before him, "Despite what you think of me I couldn't disappoint your father." I honestly could believe that because dad always praised this man before me, "He was so proud of his darling daughter Nina. I didn't want to shatter the dream he has of you."

Nothing he was saying sounded like lies to me. Jacob sounded fond of his friendship with dad and whenever dad talked about Jacob he had stars in his eyes. I didn't want to shatter that friendship. So now we had to come up with a plan to keep the parents happy.

"I don't want your friendship with dad to fall apart, dad likes you." I rolled my eyes, "Even though I don't understand why." I mumbled, "To each their own I suppose."

He chuckled, "You know what makes me likable." He lowered his voice, "You like me too, Nina."

"Don't fool yourself." I told him sternly, "Whatever I thought was likable about you has been erased from my mind. Now I just want to focus on what we can do to make things right and both move forward with our lives."

"There is only one thing we can do about this."

I narrowed my eyes on him, "And what is that?" I asked suspiciously.

He leaned back in his chair, looking comfortable despite the tense situation. The confidence was radiating off him, wrapping around me and making it difficult for me to breathe. I shifted in my chair once more, now completely aware of how soaked my panties were.

Damn it.

"Well, we should get married."

I slipped from my chair, nearly falling off. Jacob laughed at me, quietly and deep from the stomach. It was a delicious sound but I couldn't focus on it. I got to my feet and Jacob who walked around his desk took hold of my arm and helped steady me.

"Was it that much of a shock?" He asked, laughter clear in his voice.

He let go of me once I looked calm again. He stepped back and watched me carefully.

"That was a stupid joke." I glared at him.

His stormy eyes narrowed on me, "What if it wasn't a joke." He asked, stepping closer to me. He shoved his hands in his nice looking slacks as if he couldn't trust himself around me and stared me down, "What if I promise you a future where I'd give you anything you want. Protect you from everyone around us and do everything in my power to make you happy." He leaned closer to me, his lips brushing against my ear, "Would you consider taking my offer then?"

This wasn't just a stupid joke. It was a sick joke.

I pressed my hands against his firm chest and pushed him back. He moved back but not much, just enough to give me space. I was grateful for that because his intoxicating scent lingered around us. It lured me in and tempted me to touch him in a way I shouldn't.

"That's quite enough!" I told him firmly, not afraid and not messing around this time, "Stop playing around with me. That is a sick joke."

His stormy eyes glittered, "What if it wasn't a joke?" He asked, "Isn't that why you're smitten with that man?" He asked, "Because he can provide you with the picture-perfect life you want?" He asked, "What if I give it to you? Would you leave him and become my wife?"

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