Queen Nina Merigold

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The meeting with the wedding planner went fine. Jacob was demanding, asking a lot of the man and his team to pull off a wedding in less than three months now. Monday morning was the first morning in a while that my fiancé didn't have to wake me to see him off. I got ready together with him, he seemed to enjoy it. He was subtly smiling the entire time, his eyes warm and kind.

It was a cheerful morning.

I sat at the coffee table with a cup of tea and a bowl of strawberries while going through the invitation list. Jacob mailed me his list already, the man was efficient as always. I needed to write up mine and mail it to our wedding planner.

Things were moving fast now.

Jacob was paying a lot for this wedding but we barely had to do anything. It was stress-free and something my mother didn't quite understand. Her wedding was different. Planned by herself and her mother and sisters. Stressful and making everyone hate each other afterward due to the arguments.

I wanted none of that.

Nick and I needed to sit down and have some wine and watch a movie. It would help us fall back into our usual ways. I had no idea how things were going with Joy but he mentioned that things would be like they used to. I could only assume they would break things off.

It was mean of me but I wanted to know if they already broke up.

"You're going dress shopping with Elijah this afternoon, right?"

Jacob sat down on the couch and watched me type away at my list, adding names and going through my messages with my mom to make sure I didn't forget anyone.

"Yeah, we went through pictures of dresses I like and he made sure the woman at the store would only display my preferred dresses in our budget."

Jacob brushed his hand over my head, "Don't think about the money when selecting a dress, pick something you like."

That also sounded like an order but that was just who Jacob was. I tilted my head back and met his stormy gaze, smiling when he looked surprised to see me looking at him. He raised an eyebrow at me, chuckling when I made a kissy face.

"Love you."

He gave me a gentle pat on the head, "Love you too, sweetheart."

Focusing back on my list, my phone rang which surprised both Jacob and me. It wasn't even eight in the morning yet so it was either my parents or Nick. Answering the phone I smiled hearing Nick's grumbly voice. He wasn't quite awake yet.

"Morning, you have plans for today?" He asked.

Straight to the point which meant that he was occupied but decided to call me. We'd be okay.

"I have to go dress shopping at two, but I'll be free after that."

"You're making a guest list and going dress shopping, things are moving fast now."

That was true. Before we knew it I'd be married to Jacob Blackwood and start a family with him. He wanted his mini-me soon and I wanted him to have the family life he now longed for.

It made me happy that he actually wanted it and not just to benefit him professionally.

"Yes, we'll be married soon."

Nick chuckled, "And then I'll become an uncle. I need to prepare for this."

I laughed, confused at what he needed to prepare for, "I think the one who needs to prepare for that is me." I said shaking my head.

"I need to be emotionally ready for it, Nina. I need to have my life together to be a good uncle."

"You're good, Nick."

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