Money is Everything

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Jacob was rushing me this morning. He was insisted on leaving together to grab a coffee before work. Despite Jacob trying to spend more time with me than I at first assumed, I doubted he was the type of guy who'd be pushy about drinking coffee together because we hadn't seen each other last night. I fell asleep before he came home.

So this morning he suggested we grabbed a cup of coffee together.

It felt suspicious to me. I strolled out of the bathroom and nearly ran into Jacob who awaited me in the bedroom. He held out my coat to me, wanting to put it around me. He was so nice and behaving like a true gentleman. It just didn't feel like the man who put the huge diamond around my finger which now fitted me perfectly.

"Thank you," I muttered as I let him put the coat around me.

I left the beige coat open, showing off my black dress which fitted me like a glove. My makeup was done more than usually. I felt like going all out this morning. I had a feeling Jacob was up to something and I wanted to look the part. If he wasn't up to no good then at least I looked good for my meeting with my client. The business was picking up thanks to mom. I owed her a lot. She was the one who told me it was okay to be a little selfish and she was the one who also pushed me to pursue this career I loved.

"Bag?" Jacob handed me the black designer bag.

I took it, eying him suspiciously, "You are being so nice to me this morning." I narrowed my eyes on him when I noticed the little twitch of his lips, "What's going on?" I asked him.

"Can't a guy look forward to drinking coffee with his fiancée?"

There was nothing wrong with that if it was an average guy who wasn't obsessed with power and money. Jacob was and I doubted he liked wasting time. He had tons of project going on at once and there was the issue of Fenna wanting to ruin him. The money his lawyers offered wasn't enough. She wanted him to bleed. I wondered if she'd attack him this Friday. It was his benefit gala, it would hurt him a lot if the news spread then.

The night would be ruined.

Jacob's impassive look gave nothing away. He wasn't going to tell me even if he was up to no good.

"Fine, let's grab some coffee. We should go to Joy's place, we can say hi to her too."

Jacob placed his hand on my lower back and guided me to the elevator. He pushed the button and faced me, "There is a place closer to my office."

"That's fine too I suppose," I whispered.

He slightly pushed me forward when the elevator doors slid open. Maybe I underestimated how much he needed coffee right now. It was probably a long morning for him, caffeine would help him through it. He also needed to replace Fenna, I'm sure that was a huge loss too. The woman was a snake but she was also good at her job. She no longer worked as his personal assistant but Jacob mentioned she still worked for him, just a different department. No doubt she was spreading lies there too. I felt for him, but he brought it upon himself.

Don't fuck your personal assistant and assume she'll pretend it never happened. I hoped he learned his lesson. Otherwise, this decision I made to wear the huge diamond ring would become a long and painful journey.

"You can invite your friends over if you miss them. This is your home now as well, Nina."

It was odd how quickly the penthouse felt like home. It might be due to my things now being there along with the dinner we had with Joy and Owen. It was a fun night even though Owen wanted to run the minute Jacob entered the picture. Once Jacob showed he wasn't a complete douchebag Owen settled down. Joy helped with that though. The woman kept her promise. She stayed my friend even though I did something so horrible to Lucas.

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