Owen, The Sweetheart

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My dinner date with Lucas had been a little rough. Emotions ran high and he made me promises which were so freaking beautiful I couldn't contain myself. I cried and cried and he held me. He showed me so much kindness it hurt. I made a decision about this all.

I had to break-up with Lucas.

It was Monday morning, I was putting on my battle armor which consisted of a mustard colored knitted sweater, a plaid skirt, black tights and knee high boots. This outfit made me feel as if I could blend in with the fall weather. Braiding my hair into a messy side braid I glanced over my shoulder, my eyes trailing to my nightstand where my phone rested. It was ringing, letting me know to answer it otherwise it would keep ringing until I lost my damn mind. I moved to the nightstand, still working my braid and carefully tapped to answer it and switched to speaker.

"Nick." I called, "You're on speaker."

"I can hear that."

I smiled and sat down on the bed, finishing my braid and tying it to keep it all in place. I then grabbed my phone and took it off speaker.

"All good now, how was your weekend?"

"Great, you know catching up on my series and doing nothing but hanging out on my couch. The usual. How about your weekend?" He asked so casually I knew he was preparing to have a fit, "I mean besides you losing your mind and deciding to break-up with Lucas who more or less promised you the fucking moon."

I closed my eyes and sighed. It wasn't like I didn't appreciate it. I loved those words, they were beautiful and absolutely amazing but I didn't deserve it. Our relationship was based on a lie, I kept a few things from him so he wouldn't run for the hills. I was done with that. Lucas had to find a girl who would also promise him the fucking moon as Nick called it.

"He deserves to be with someone better," I whispered.

"You're not an awful person, Nina."

Nick was getting angry, I could hear it in his voice. I knew this would upset him, I knew the parents would react even worse. But right now I was thinking of Lucas' future and his happiness. Those things he couldn't achieve when he was with me.

"But I am." I opened my eyes, determined to win this argument, "I lied to him, our relationship started based on a lie. Then I more or less used him to get over my feelings for Jacob and it worked. But then I also expected him to fight my battles for me. I'm a freaking bitch and we both know it. Lucas should date someone better than that."

Nick wasn't going down with a fight, I knew this might take the whole morning. I wanted to grab a coffee and go through the emails I received from mom. I was going to focus on my potential clients and figure out what to do about Jacob. It was a busy Monday for me, mostly emotionally draining but these things had to be done. I didn't have the time to keep arguing with Nick about Lucas. I made up my mind. I wasn't going to change it.

"You've been honest about this thing with Jacob."

"I didn't tell him about the make-out session in the office." I sighed exasperatedly.

Nick was quiet for a little while, maybe he finally agreed with me.

"Then tell him."

He made it sound so simple as if I could just walk up to Lucas and tell him about what happened so long ago. We weren't together back then, not officially but I also didn't tell him about it when I had the chance. I was a greedy girl who wanted to handsome guy who made me feel like a princess, knowing our relationship was starting on a lie.

"I should."

"Yes let him decide if you need to break-up or not."

It sounded so freaking simple, but Nick was right. Lucas deserved to make a decision about us. If he wanted to break-up then so be it. I was already prepared to give him his freedom. It wouldn't change anything, at least he knew I wasn't a princess. He'd have no regrets when he'd start dating someone else. I wanted to give him that.

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