The Family's Support

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Friday was approaching slowly, it wasn't going fast enough for me because I was excited but also anxious to the core. I didn't want to look too eager about accepting Jacob's proposal. That man was smug enough. He didn't need me to stroke his ego. Something told me he knew exactly what I decided. Whenever I thought I was beating the man at his own game he proved me otherwise. He was always ten steps ahead of me.

I needed to accept that I would never beat him.

He was the master of plotting. He had to be since he was so young and successful. People like my dad who were in the business for many years admired him. Respected him even. He was doing something right. He won me over but he didn't have to do much to achieve it. Before I could enjoy my future with Jacob there was something I needed to make right.

I was standing before the Merigold office building, nervous to enter it. There was no telling if Nick was around and actually had time for me. I needed to do this though, I couldn't leave things as they were. He was my best friend and he had been an amazing brother. Always there for me when I needed him. I needed to make things right.

"You ever going to walk inside, honey?"

I jumped, not expecting to hear dad's voice so close to me. I never noticed him joining me, standing side by side as we viewed the building together. I couldn't hide my small smile. Dad placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze.

"He is your brother, Nina. There is no need to be this scared to face him."

"I made a decision which he's not happy about, Nick did everything to warn me and I still ignored it."

"Nick deals with that every single day, he is mature enough to let it go. Trust me."

Dad sounded so sure about it like he could read Nick like an open book. Maybe he could since the two of them spend an awful lot together. Dad was so proud of Nick. We all were. Nick was just a bit different when it came to trusting outsiders and being social. It wasn't his thing but he endured it for the sake of the company.

I respected him more than I did Jacob.

"I love Nick."

Dad laughed, give me a gentle pat against the back, "He knows."

I faced dad and shook my head, "No, dad you don't understand. In a short amount of time, our relationship completely changed. I know it is the saddest thing ever but Nick is my best friend and I can't lose him. I know it is selfish of me but I need him more now than ever."

Dad nodded, shoving his hands in the pockets of his nice black slacks. He was being patient and showed me a gentle smile. The gentle and calm wave which I felt whenever I was around Nick he definitely inherited from dad. Dad was calmness itself. It was a stark contrast to my very stressed personality.

"You should do what makes you happy if Jacob is the one who makes you happy then so be it. Who cares what everyone else thinks?"

I stared at him, shocked that he knew about Jacob.

I sighed, "Mom told you."

Dad shrugged, he did look a bit guilty though, "Your mom needed to share that. It is kind of a big deal to us." He tried to explain things but he stumbled all over the place. It made me press my lips together so I wouldn't burst out in laughter, "Your mom has a soft spot for Lucas for obvious reasons."

Lucas and I never did the official dinner with our families and maybe I prevented that because then things would become too serious. Maybe I had to accept that I always longed for something more with Jacob Blackwood. Like the people close to me kept telling me.

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