Wet Sheets

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The day after Christmas dinner was our clean-up day. I thought Jacob would absolutely despise it but he was doing all the work, always running to my side to help me carry things. He was so sweet it kind of scared me. I always knew Jacob was kind-hearted but this was just over the top.

Something was up.

It nagged on me. I wanted to ask Jacob about his behavior but I didn't have the heart to do so. Deep down I knew Jacob would brush it off. He'd pretend I was imagining things. He'd make me feel like I was tired and needed to rest. It was something he also did quite often now. There was denying that the Christmas dinner was tiring but it was entertaining.

Jacob made sure of it.

He showed both Nick and me whose side he was on. He pretended not to care about the whole Nick and Joy drama and maybe he didn't care. But he cared about me. So he made sure Nick would never try and upset me again.

I narrowed my eyes on Jacob who wiped the dining table clean. The table was shining, you'd probably be able to see yourself in it. I was leaning against the doorpost observing my fiancé with a careful eye.

He noticed.

He straightened, looking menacing already which made me swallow nervously.

"Instead of staring at me, you should sit down and drink your tea."

It sounded more like an order than a suggestion. That was so like Jacob Blackwood. I didn't let it get to me even though I did feel anxious for a split second due to his intense gaze. At this point, it was probably something Jacob couldn't turn off. It became a habit in his professional life, always looking intimidating and intense which now bled into his private life.

It was just a part of him now.

"I long for a glass of wine." I let him know, "Care to join me?"

Jacob grabbed the cloth he used to make the dining table shine and approached me with careful steps. It was like he was eying a scared cute little animal.

It was odd.

"Sounds good." He spoke quietly, "Get comfy on the couch and pick a movie for us to watch while I grab us something to drink."

It made me excited. This was the only thing good about the day after Christmas. Taking things slow and relaxing, trying to rest up after all the excitement and stress. Jacob noticed how excited it got me and looked at me with amused eyes. His eyes were soft and his lips were curled up to a gentle smile. He looked peaceful and gentle.

The softer side of Jacob was only seen whenever he was close to me I concluded.

I leaned in, loving the sound of him inhaling a sharp breath because of how close I got without warning. I pressed a hand against his firm chest and kissed him gently against the lips. We looked at each other as we kissed. When those grey eyes melted and turned a beautiful silver I smiled in the kiss and closed my eyes, savoring the gentle moment between us. He made a delicious sound, it was between a groan and a moan. It was soft yet showed he longed for me no matter what I looked like. He was attracted to me and not the effort I put in to appeal to him.

"I'll pick a movie," I whispered.

His eyes got that intense dark look which I knew so very well. It was my turn to deeply inhale to let the tension out. We weren't going to hump each other on the couch. I wanted a quiet moment together with my fiancé. Watching a movie and relaxing together.

So I needed to push the feeling back of ripping the clothes off Jacob's delicious body.

He chuckled, he knew exactly what I longed for.

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