The Games We Play

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My body was achy all over. Sluggishly I rolled away from the source of warmth beside me and groaned when I tried to sit up. I moved so slow I tired myself out and laid back down. Lucas chuckled, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me back to him. He kissed my temple.

"Should I run you a bath?" He asked, holding me tight to his warm body.

My fingers brushed against his chest, it made him squirm a little. It made me smile, "I'll just take a quick shower to feel human again." I purposely brushed my fingers ever so lightly against his chest again. Flicking a finger over his nipple which made him growl, "You're ticklish this morning."

"You're a little tease this morning." He threw back, "Also I don't have any condoms left so you're not getting any."

"You only had three left." I pointed out.

He sat up, shaking his head at me, "Well, I never assumed I'd use all three in one night."

My cheeks heated at the mere thought of us rolling around. We weren't thinking clearly last night, just taking what we needed. We enjoyed ourselves but now a daunting thought flittered through my mind. Owen and Joy. I couldn't remember if I had been quiet or not. I'd say not when I considered the state of my body

"You know where the bathroom is." Lucas reminded me, "You can go first."

Suddenly finding a hidden strength within me I sat up and furiously shook my head, "I'm not going out there." I whispered, "My God, what we did last night." I closed my eyes, not even breathing anymore as I kept shaking my head, "I can't go out there." I forced out.

Lucas chuckled, "Now you feel embarrassed?" That amused him greatly, "Well, Owen won't be around since he had a shift this morning. Joy might still be around, but I doubt that she'll say anything. She adores you."

I could feel that. The kindness Joy showed me didn't feel forced. It felt like she actually liked me and well, I also liked spending time with her. She was filled with positivity. She was the kind of person who could anchor you to the world, make you feel a little bit human again while you were falling into a pit of darkness.

"Okay, then I'll take a shower first?" I asked but also stated.

Lucas was now propped against the headboard, regarding me as if he was watching a show, "Yes, you can go take a shower. Use whatever you need." He said with a little smile playing on his lips.

He was in some mood this morning and I didn't like it. Rolling out of bed I felt a bit too aware of the clothes I wasn't wearing. I wanted to cover up. I searched the floor for our clothes. My clothes. I found Lucas' shirt and quickly shrugged it on.

"Oh, you had to ruin it." He mumbled.

I glared at him, "You are so annoying this morning." I whispered.

He grinned, "Yeah? Might be the three times you made me cum."

That was it, I was so done with him this morning. I quickly opened his closet, grabbed a clean towel and walked out of his room, closing the door behind me. I wanted to slam it shut to make a statement but there might be other people in the apartment. I couldn't be rude, instead, I stomped to the bathroom like a woman on a mission. I was about to open the door but it nearly slammed in my face.

"Oh, God!" Joy squealed, "I'm so sorry."

"No it's okay, I should have paid attention." I tried to hush her, "Can I?" I gestured to the bathroom and she quickly nodding. Unconsciously she patted the belt around her fluffy pale blue robe. I guess we were both a little nervous and embarrassed.

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