My People

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I promised to make dessert for my little get together with Lucas and his friends. I didn't want Joy and Owen to think that I was a show-off so I made a layered lemon cake. It was simple and I made it in a few minutes. I knew it tasted fine too. Nothing too special but nothing underwhelming either. While the cake was resting I started dressing up.

I had to remind myself not to exaggerate.

They weren't like the people I hung around with due to the life my parents gave me. They were grounded and much more themselves. I didn't have to wear a fancy dress or the latest designer jeans. Just something comfy. In the back of my mind, I knew Lucas preferred me like that. I grabbed an old pair of jeans. It still looked fine, a little faded but it fitted like a glove around my thighs and hips.

Hopefully, it would stir Lucas little.

To finish the outfit off I grabbed a pale pink sweater and shrugged it on. It was amazingly soft to the touch. I tucked the side of the sweater into my jeans, making it look casual but put together. I didn't want my hair to get in the way so I pulled it up in a messy bun.

I looked like a cupcake at this point.

And I loved it! There is nothing wrong with looking as cute as a unicorn princess. I did my makeup quickly, not even thinking about it. A light wash of sparkling eyeshadow. A layer of mascara which made my lashes pop but not so much as to it being in your face. A sweep of peach blush and of course a pink lip color which matched my sweater. I couldn't forget about the eyebrows, they framed my face and topped off the look.

Now I looked perfect.

Kind of. At perfect as you could look while looking like a cupcake. I felt anxious when I grabbed a weekend bag and packed it. There was no telling if I could actually stay the night or not. I packed the essentials an extra set of clothing. You never knew, maybe I'd forget how to eat and ruin my clothes. That could happen. I needed to be prepared. When the bag was packed with everything I needed I zipped it up and headed to the living room, dropping the weekend bag on the couch. It could keep my coat and small designer bag company.

So my bag was from a designer brand, it's not like they would notice.

I checked on the lemon cake in the kitchen. It looked good, ready to accompany to Lucas' apartment. Covering up the glass tray I took it with me to the living room and placed it on the coffee table. Owen would come to pick me up, he let me know he was on his way. I shrugged on my coat and ran to the bedroom to quickly spritz on some perfume and mentally prepared myself. Not once did I check my incoming emails, what I wasn't prepared for was facing reality when it came to Jacob.


The ride to Lucas apartment was oddly enough not awkward. Owen and I had lots of things in common when it came to music and not actually caring which song was in right now. We liked classical music. I never expected that of Owen. He looked like the kind of guy who played in a rock band, not caring about anything or anyone except himself. That was already not true since he cared a lot.

Owen was soft and cuddly.

We talked about books and movies. We arrived too soon at the apartment, it felt like only a few minutes had passed. I was sure Owen could become my friend, a true friend. If only things didn't get messed up after I told Lucas the truth tonight.

"You can leave the car now, you know."

Owen sounded amused. It had been staring into space while the guy left the car and grabbed my weekend bag. I felt embarrassed, I could carry my own bags. I hopped out of the car and reached for the bag but Owen held his hands up, chuckling at me.

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