The Little Changes of Jacob Blackwood

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The weekend went by fast when wearing Jacob's shirt and nothing else. He wasn't messing around when he told me he wanted to get to know me a lot better. I was sure he was well acquainted with my body now. I wasn't so sure if he wanted to get to know my mind though. I suppose he wasn't that interested in who Nina Merigold was. He needed me and I agreed to that. There was no time to feel sorry for myself.

I got what I wanted, a huge diamond ring on my finger.


His voice carried to the walk-in closet I knew like the back of my hand. I turned around and faced the man who did unspeakable things to my body. He carried himself with so much confidence there was barely any room for me in his closet when his ego accompanied him everywhere.

"You need to hurry up, I can't miss my morning meeting which I need to attend in an hour."

"And how do you suppose I hurry up with just this?" I gestured to the white shirt I was wearing.

His eyes wandered me from head to toe, the little tug of his lips told me he enjoyed this. He tried to hide it by being straight face about it. He cleared his throat, moved past me and grabbed a black pin-striped jacket. He stood in front of me and wrapped it around my shoulders, raising an eyebrow at me when I didn't move.

"Are you serious?" I asked him.

He gave into his mischievous ways then, "You can make it work."

I glared at him, "You want your fiancée to walk out of your fancy penthouse wearing your shirt and jacket on high heels looking like a woman you called over for a casual hook-up?" I asked him and then raised my hand, showing him the huge diamond ring which we were going to get resized, "Does that image suit the woman you're going to marry?"

He let out a soft sarcastic laugh, "Well hello Miss Merigold, how are you feeling this morning?" He asked, the playful glittering in his eyes making me boil up, "A little sore?"

I stepped forward, ready to tear him a new one politely when someone clearing their throat caught both our attention. We turned to look at Mrs. Quake who stood in the doorway of the massive walk-in closet with my dress in hand. I tried to pull down the white shirt I was wearing to cover up a little but there was no point. I'm sure she saw more embarrassing sides of me this weekend. I blamed it all on the stupid, arrogant man standing beside me.

"How about you wear your dress instead?" Mrs. Quake suggested, "I got it dry-cleaned for you."

She was an angel sent from heaven to guide us in our difficult times.

I turned to look at my fiancé and smiled at him, "At least some of us are more sensible." I then walked over to Mrs. Quake and took the dress from her, showing her my very grateful smile, "Thank you."

"Of course, sweetheart. Why don't you get dressed while I get some coffee into Mister Blackwood?" She gave the man a pointed look, "Let's give Miss Merigold some privacy, shall we?"

It wasn't actually a question. The firm tone was hard to ignore and to my surprise, Jacob did follow the woman out of the closet. I was thankful, that woman saved the day. Well, my day. I slipped the dress on Mrs. Quake got me dry-cleaned and tried to fix my hair as much as possible. I found my heels in Jacob's bedroom, slipped them on too and met up with Jacob and Mrs. Quake in the living room.

"I suppose you look much better in that dress." Jacob met me halfway, grabbed my hand and pulled me in close for a kiss, "You look very beautiful."

I smiled, placing my hand on his clean-shaven cheek and leaned in for another kiss. He smiled in the kiss which was gentle and soft. We both pulled back with smiles upon our faces, enjoying our little inside joke about soft and quick kisses.

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