Jacob's Challenge

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I was standing before Mr. Blackwood's office building, a tall intimidating building. It fitted his personality. It was sleek and modern looking. I stood straight, my shoulders squared and my chin held high. My heels made me tower with confidence. My makeup was done to perfection while my outfit was business chic. A black blazer with a satin red top underneath it. My dark jeans so tight around my ass and thighs it fitted me like a glove. I felt freaking gorgeous today.

It was my battle armor.

Deep down I knew I wouldn't run into the man himself but I wore this just in case I did see a glimpse of the devil. I'd hold my head high and show him the confident woman I could be. He only saw the coward in me, the woman who ran away when things got tough. Well, since we wouldn't be working together anymore I felt confident enough not to run into the man anymore.

Therefore my confidence was through the roof right now.

I flicked my loosely curled hair back and made my way to the front desk with quick steps, my heels clicking away on the marble tiles. The lady behind the desk looked up, surprised to see me. The way her shoulders slumped told me I intimidated her a little. I totally got it, I approached her with a serious looking face. Of course, she sat back a little, putting her guard up.

"Mr. Blackwood told me I could drop this off at the front desk." I reached into my shiny black designer back and slid the envelope across the white shiny counter.

She nodded, a smile spreading across her perfectly made-up face, "Thank you, Miss Merigold." Of course, the man had informed her about me.

No doubt she looked me up to make sure she talked to the right person. I'm sure people working for Mr. Blackwood were known to be as efficient as possible. That's how the man operated and that is what he expected of those around him.

Even the women he dated.

"Can you wait just a minute?" She asked me in a quiet voice, her smile warm and inviting. "Mr. Blackwood wanted me to inform him when you dropped off his key." She didn't wait for my response, making a call to inform the big boss.

She smiled at me as she informed Mr. Blackwood, "Miss Merigold just delivered the key." She nodded, "Of course, sir." She said after a minute of silence. She then met my gaze again and offered me her brightest smile, "Mr. Blackwood will be down in a minute. Can I offer you something to drink? Coffee or tea? Maybe some water?"

"Actually, I need to run," I told her, my confidence crumbling down like a stale croissant. It looked all pretty and inviting but up close it was just a mess.

"Mr. Blackwood kindly requests of you to wait just a minute."

Her smile never faded, it was kind of scary how it was now plastered on that perfect face of hers. It almost felt unnatural. I didn't dare to move afraid this woman who was the perfect receptionist would either call security to keep me in place or tackle me to the ground herself.

With her perfect creepy smile, she gestured to the waiting room, "If you'll take a seat Mr. Blackwood will be right here."

I told myself I wouldn't run anymore so I didn't. Instead, I made my way over to the waiting room and took a seat on the comfy looking read chair. I placed my bag on my lap and grabbed my phone. I wouldn't run from this all but I would let Nick know what was happening. He'd be my getaway car if I really needed it.


I delivered Mr. Blackwood's key to his office.
His receptionist won't let me leave until I've talked to him.
Everything will be fine right?


I narrowed my eyes on my phone, willing a new message to be delivered right away. It didn't happen like that of course. It took maybe three minutes before I did receive a response from Nick. That was actually pretty amazing too. He was the best brother ever.

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