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Same day
At Niha's room

Moukti was entirely immersed in finding an appropriate dress for Niha by entirely searching Niha's wardrobe.
" Why can't I find dress for you?" Moukti said scratching her head.

" Just tell me you were kidding," Niha laughed out loud.
" Why do you think it was joke?"Moukti questioned.

" You have all my clothes in the wardrobe around you. But, here you were saying you can't find any clothes, " Niha replied folding her hands.
" I know there were many. None of them were appealing," Moukti pouted.
" Troubles we get having a fashion designer friend," Niha huffed.

" Here I was trying to make you make you look sexy but you were acting like a stubborn kid,"Moukti stated.
" I didn't want to be the one. So put you hard work aside," Niha rolled her eye and randomly picked her jeans and white crop top.

Niha dressed up and stood infront of Moukti asking her how is it
" Boring," Moukti replied vaguely.
" You won't get satisfied even I stood naked here," Niha contered.
" May be I won't. But Sanjay can," Moukti smirked.

Niha was about to hit Moukti but stopped when heard doorbell ringing.
Niha opened the door reavealing Sanjay infront of her. He stood infront of Niha with black shirt and blue jean on and his finger on chin lightly scrating his light beard further adding to his hottness. Niha was scanning him. He caught her checking him out.

He cleared his throat drawing Niha back from her dream land. Niha gained her consciousness and mentally scolded her for checking him out.
" What were you wearing?", Sanjay laughed at her.
" What was so funny?"Niha asked irritatedly.

" I too told her that. She never listen to me," Moukti interrupted.
"It's fine. I would manage, " Sanjay said to Moukti and pulled Niha out towards  his car and made her sit in his passenger seat. He got into the driving seat,flew with high speed and stopped infront  of  a shopping mall.

"Why did you bought  me  here?",Niha questioned.
"Just follow me, "he grabbed her wrist and took her into the shop. There stood a woman in the dresses counter and gawking at Sanjay. He smirked arrogantly  at the woman and asked her to show party wear to the lady beside him pointing towards Niha .

"What made you think that I would wear what you had selected?"Niha blurted out.
"Why won't you?",Sanjay questioned back.
" I won't, " Niha answered back.

"Don't mind her. She was out of her wind," Sanjay smuged. The women infront of them kept chuckling seeing their fight and placed bunch of dresses on the table.Sanjay selected few of  the dresses that reached upto knee.He threw them on Niha's face and ordered her to change into any one of it.

" No, I won't," Niha acted stubborn.
Sanjay was lost his temper and fired at her, " If you won't, that I make it happen in my way. You won't be liking it."
Niha widened her eyes in surprise.

" You won't."
"I will. Let me show you."
"No, I would change and come," Niha ran into dressing room taking bunch of dress.

She stood infront of the mirror and placing each dress  on her and looking herself into the mirror. She was mentally cursing him for selecting short dresses. Finally, she found a black dress which reached upto her knee with single strip on her shoulder.

Niha came out keeping her hands on the dress and pulling it down to her knees. She found him sitting near the counter. Suddenly,he stood up and walked towards her as if she was a prey his eyes kept gazing at her up and down which made her grumble displaying her uncomfortness.
"Now perfect,"he winked at her. The sales lady added a pair of heels to her dress.

The sales  woman turned towards Sanjay and said,"shall we send the bill to your office as usual sir?
"Yes ", he replied.
Niha turned towards him and asked, "seems like you were a regular customer here".
He gave her his regular smirk and replied, "I am smelling jealous from you".
"Why would I be jealous?"

"You are looking hot when you got incorporated with jealous,"he smugged at her.
"In your dreams."
"Its getting late. We need to leave".

Both of them entered the pub. Sanjay took her towards the reserved table. Their she noticed five people sitting there. Among them were three boys and two girls. She recognized the three boys whom she saw when she encountered sanjay for the first time.

Shiv and vinod were surprised to see her. Vinod turned  towards Sanjay and said "Finally you made it."
All the eyes in the room were staring at her.
Niha was confused but finally understood that they were talking about her.
"Yes,Vinod" Sanjay said.

Karthik turned towards Niha and asked her to take the seat. She felt he was calm than others and smiled at him. He returned back the smile. She replied thank you and sat beside him. Sanjay sat next to her with his one arm over her shoulder.

Though he sat comfortably, she felt inconvenient because his touch was causing her shiver which passed through her spine. She tried to removed his hand. But, his grip tightened on her every time. She felt herself weakened so,she just sat with his hand on.

Two girls were present opposite to Niha. One of them was continously murmuring to Sanjay.  Niha tried to eavedrop their conversation.

"Why did you choose her out of all the girls? Was she your date today? Why did your taste became awful she didn't even suit you ,"Sarah said.
While listening to her words anger shot on Niha, but she just controlled herself.

"I know she was,why can't  you come and dance with me,"Sanjay asked Sarah .
Talking his hand from Niha's shoulder, he forwarded his hand towards Sarah. Both of them left to dance floor.

Niha was sitting silently as she don't know who the remaining persons are. All of them introduced themselves to her. She came to know they were Vinodh, Shiv, Vandana,one who talked nicely to her was karthik.

Niha smiled back and introduced herself as Niharika. Shiv asked Vandana for dance. Both of them walked towards the dance floor hand in hand.
"Sanjay was lucky," vinod said and left the place.

Niha and karthik were left there.
"Won't  you go?",Niha asked Karthik.
"I don't have a date,"Karthik replied quick.
"So sad. Was there anyone you thought of bringing here?"

"Yes, I had one".
"Who was it ? Why was she not here".
"Actually, I didn't even talk to her."

"What!" Niha exclaimed.
"I just met her and know her name. That's it," Karthik replied sadly.
" oh, so sweet...Mr.Romeo"
"What was her name?", Niha asked.
"Mo..", before Karthik could reply, he was interrupted by a voice," Can I dance with you, beautiful?"
Both karthik and Niha turned towards the voice.

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