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Karthik was smirking at Sanjay knowingly. Sanjay couldn't understand what was he upto.
Karthik turned towards Shiv and said, " Bro, I really want to join. But, I have a date. You know that Sanjay is newly married. He just told me that Niha wanted to go for shopping. Why don't you both join them?"

Sanjay was shocked when Karthik told Shiv that he wanted to go for shopping.
" What did you just say, Karthik? I never told you that," Sanjay shouted. But, immediately he started laughing. Shiv and Karthik were confused by his actions.

" Why are you laughing?", Shiv questioned Sanjay.
" Don't you find it silly. Karthik having a date."
" What the hell man? What do you think of me? Can't I have a date?", Karthik was showing his fake anger.

Sanjay was astonished by Karthik's words. Karthik was always away from relationships. So, Sanjay found it hard to believe.
" Are you serious?", Sanjay questioned Karthik.

"What do you mean by that? Just before day you were enjoying in so called honeymoon. You came today and embarrassing me. You're the worst friend I ever had," Karthik hissed.

Sanjay was appalled by the situation he was in. His friend was thinking as if he was enjoying himself. What Karthik didn't know was nothing happened between them.

Finally, Sanjay realized what Karthik's frustration was.
"Is this what you wanted to tell me?" Sanjay questioned Karthik. Karthik just nodded his head.

Shiv couldn't understand what they were talking. So, he interrupted them.
" Hey, hold on. What's going on?", Shiv cut both of them dramatically.

" I will tell you once I have clarity, " Sanjay whispered.
" What does he mean? What are you hiding?", Shiv questioned Karthik pointing Sanjay.
" I will explain everything clearly. But, not now. You and Sanjay should go for shopping. Have you forgotten?", Karthik said and left Sanjay's cabin.

Now, Sanjay and Shiv were left.
" You are in, right. No backing off, buddy," Shiv fired out. Sanjay raised his hands in defeat as Sanjay know Karthik had booked him.

"Get ready by 5. We will go for shopping and later, we can have dinner. No arguments," Shiv said without giving Sanjay a chance to object.
Sanjay messaged Niha to get ready by 5.


Same day
Evening 5

Sanjay picked Niha and took her to the mall where Vandana and Shiv are waiting. When Vandana saw Niha and Sanjay approaching them, Vandana went towards Niha and hugged her. Vandana released Niha from hug and asked her, " Have you decided what to buy for the upcoming party?"

" No, I haven't decided yet." Niha, actually didn't understand about party as Sanjay didn't mention anything to her.
" It ok. Let's figure out then," Vandana said pulling Niha into the botique.

They were taking the elevator as the botique shop was on the 2nd floor.
" I am so excited for the shopping," Vandana said.
" Keep your husband in your mind." Suddenly, Shiv spatted out.

" Shut up!" Vandana rolled her eyes. Niha was smiling looking at them.
" I hope I won't get any heart problems after seeing the bill," Shiv said dramatically and winked at Niha. This made Niha laugh further.

Niha and Shiv turned their heads to see fuming Vandana behind them.
" I hope my hubby won't mind as he loves me so much," Vandana said making Shiv unable to retort back.

Sanjay interrupted their conversation telling them they reached the botique. As soon as they entered the mall, Vandana excitedly ran towards the dress counter.

Shiv and Sanjay stood in a corner not bothering to follow Vandana. Shiv noticed Niha was still with them.
He asked her to find a dress for herself.

Niha started searching for dress that suits her. She came across a dress which made her eyes glued to it. She like the dress so much. It's white lehanga with gold borders.

Niha wanted to buy it. She looked at the price tag. Though she can afford it, she find it too much as she rarely have time to wear such dresses. Being a doctor, made her confine to easily accessible dresses most.

Niha was about to put the dress back but Vandana grabbed the dress before she could place it back.
" Why are you keeping it back? It's cool. I think it suits you. Give it a try."
" I don't think so," Niha replied doubtful.
" What happens to you give it a try?"

Vandana didn't give a chance for Niha to explain and pushed her into the trail room. Niha wore the dress. She liked it. It fitted her correctly giving a clear view to her curves. Niha smiled looking herself at the mirror.

Niha went out to find Vandana looking at her keenly.
" Is it that bad?" Niha asked hesitantly.
" No. Who told you that. It's perfect."
Niha blushed at Vandana's comment.

Vandana called Sanjay and Shiv took have a glimpse at Niha. Niha was looking at Sanjay expecting for his response.

" The dress is good. But, it didn't suit her. The value of dress decreased after she wore it," Sanjay replied dejectedly. Niha expected something would come and hit her from him. But, it was too much for her to handle.

Niha knows he likes seeing seeing her hurt after the fight they had. But, his words were piercing her ears.
" Shut up,Sanjay. Stop speaking rubbish," Vandana glared at Sanjay.

" I too agree with her," Shiv supported Vandana.
" Both of you stop it. I just spoke the truth," Sanjay shrugged.

Feeling rejected, not wanting further insults from Sanjay, Niha said," I think this is far from the dresses I prefer to wear. So,I will go, change and come."

" No, don't consider him. It's good on you," Vandana tried to convince Niha. But, Niha smiled dismissingly and left to trail room.

Vandana was shaking her head in disapproval after hearing Sanjay's comment.
" It's not fair, Sanjay. You can't treat her like that. Open your eyes. She is your wife," Vandana hissed at Sanjay.

Before Sanjay could reply, Niha walked out of the trail room. Vandana pulled Niha to another counter after glaring at Sanjay. Sanjay seems unaffected by her words.

"You don't start, Shiv," Sanjay replied before Shiv could tell him.

Niha and Vandana were searching for dresses. Niha was exhausted and finally selected the dress near her.
" I will take it. I can't search further."
" Are you sure?" Vandana questioned Niha.

" Yes."
"Then help me get one," Vandana said.
After 2 hours of struggle, Vandana finally selected a dress. Niha thought this shopping was over. But, her calculation was wrong when Vandana dragged her to another counter.

Vandana made Shiv hold the bags she bought.
Niha whispered," Poor me and him." She thought to herself. She concluded she was loud when Shiv caught her and laughed at her.

Vandana was busy in selecting and Sanjay was nowhere found. Niha turned towards Shiv and asked him, " Aren't you bored?"

" Yes, of course," Shiv was signing at his hands as he was showing her his hands stuffed with clothes Vandana handed him.

" Let me hold some," Niha asked Shiv.
" No, it's alright. I can atleast do this for my girl," Shiv replied with glint of happiness in his face displaying his love towards Vandana.

" You love her so much, I think," Niha questioned Shiv.
" Yes, of course. She is the only person there for me in my success and failure other than my friends. Even though, no one believed me, she was there for me."

" She is lucky to have you, Shiv," Niha excitedly replied to him.
" No, I am lucky to have her," Shiv said. By this, Niha was out of her words.

Niha felt happy to see Shiv. He have proudness in his face when he looked at her. He would always respect her but never deteriorate her. Niha thought when would she find such carefree love.

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