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Few hours ago

Niha was in the room where Viraj kept her. She doesn't know what to do. She sat on the bed silently.

She was talking to herself, ' What the hell is going on here? I can't believe they literally locked me in the room. What they think of me?

A small kid. My foot. I don't even have my laptop to access my mail. Unbelievable. What to do?"

Suddenly, the door opened. Viraj entered inside. Niha looked at him and immediately turned to other side.

" Won't my daughter talk to me?", Viraj asked in a pleading tone.

" Ask your daughter then? I am sure it's not me."

" Everyone makes a mistake. I too did. That's before I know you were my daughter. Now I want to change that. Can't that happen?"

" Somethings cannot be changed as you wish. I don't want to change it either."

" Fine then," There was sudden change in tone of Viraj.

" Take then and sign them," Viraj said.

" What are those?", Niha questioned.

" Divorce papers."

Niha took those papers and threw them away.

" I will never sign them. Get out from here," Niha shouted.

" Why do you like him so much? He just married to get revenge on me. For him, you're just a pawn. Nothing more.

He is a great player. He very well manipulated you," Viraj said with disgusted face.

" Is it over? Why are you so much interested on seperating him from me? It's upto me to decide whether I will stay with him or not.

Even if he married me for revenge, atleast he cared for me. That's enough for me to take my decision."

" He never will care about you. I will repeat it never. He never cares for others.

If he cared for others, he would have atleast understand his father's wish.

He would have understood his mother's concern about him and would have stayed with her in Krishna's house.

He married you without your consent. He showed his real colours today.

All he cares is for himself. He is very much selfish. Realise that as soon as you can," Viraj suggested.

" You're calling him selfish. Are you blind or what? You said he doesn't care for his father. Then why would he give his favorite car racing?

If he doesn't care, Why would he start a company which he is least interested?

You're telling he didn't care for his mother. Have you ever thought how it will be for him to do the work he doesn't even like everyday.

We won't even adjust for a small things in life. He adjust with the things he will do in rest of the life.

Marrying me, it's our both decision. You don't have to blame on him. If you want to blame, it will be me.

It's me who is selfish and got ready to marry him even I know it's for an year.

You are telling me he doesn't care for me.

He is the one who unknowingly brought me out from those nightmares which was allowing me to stay in peace for more than years.

He is the one who consoled me when I lost my job.

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