Chapter 30

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I looked down at Patrick's beautiful face, as Clint placed him in my arms. That moment when he looked at me was magical, because that would be the first and last time he ever looked at me. That afternoon, Patrick was air lifted to a hospital in Boston, due to a life threatening lung ailment. All we did was pray for him, we could do nothing more, as there were only limited ways to help him. When we arrived at the hospital, everyone there clapped and cheered, and for the first time, I felt like I was also a Kennedy.

We all held onto one fragile hope that maybe, just maybe little Patrick Kennedy would survive. As soon as we could, we christened him. Jack and Jackie would have given their lives to that child, however, on the 9th of August, just 39 hours into his life, little Patrick Kennedy passed away, after an almost two day struggle. Born at just 4 pounds, he fought as hard as he could, but eventually, his heart have out, and an air of devastation set in. When Jack told Jackie the news, I heard a cry, which then pushed tears out of me.

He had fought so hard but so short for what little life he had, and I felt so bad for him. This was honestly the best part of my life do far, and to have had Jack as a father for just that long, he was a lucky child. We spent the day that he died crying, and consoling each other. The hardest part however, was telling the children, who cried more than most of us, but we were all just putting a brave face on, for their sake. That evening, Jack sat in the hospital room, alone, crying.
"Mr president?" I said, as soothingly as I could.
"Marianne." He lifted his head.
"Are you okay, it's just- I know how badly you wanted this child."
"I know, It's just- Mine and Jackie's relationship doesn't need this." I sat down beside him, and put my hand on his.
"Maybe it does, maybe it'll bring you closer together." I knew I was trying too hard to stay positive now.
"I suppose, it's just... I can't deal with it." And he began to cry.
"I think you need some alone time, Clint and I will arrange a funeral- where should we arrange it for?"
"Brookline- as soon as possible." He said, and with that, I walked to find Clint.

After hours of hard work, a funeral was arranged for the next day, August 10th, at Hollyhood Cemetary in Brookline. People lined the streets in respect for Mr and Mrs Kennedy, it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. It was a sombre day, if that was how to describe it. The atmosphere was unbreakable, Jack and Jackie stayed together all day, and so did Clint and I. We were supporting each other, and we really needed it...

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