~Chapter Three~

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The smell of lasagna drifted down the hallway as we neared the school cafeteria. The sounds of scuffling feet and distant laughter greeted us as we joined the lunch line. I was about to hand the cafeteria server Dana the lunch money Jenna gave me this morning, but Caroline slotted herself in between me and Bonnie and got in first, taking the last tray in the stack before I had a chance. 
   "Oh, I'm sorry Eva," she expressed unapologetically. "If I knew it was the last tray I would have let you have it." She shrugged, her blonde curls bouncing. "Oh well, we'll be at the usual spot when you're ready," she waved, pulling Bonnie along with her.
   Sighing, I folded my arms across my chest and shook my head, waiting for Dana to return with the trays. Caroline knew full well that that was the last tray. I knew she'd been a little jealous when Bonnie decided to spend all Summer with me instead of her after she cancelled her trip, but if she wanted to spend time with Bonnie she could have just said so. She didn't have to sabotage my lunch just to steal a few minutes with her. 
   "Hi," he smiled, his alluring voice just as smooth and soft as I remembered it. Blushing, I tucked my loose hair behind my ear and smiled. "The wait usually this long?" He asked, glancing behind the counter for Dana.
   "Um... Yeah." I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, trying to contain my nervousness as I held a conversation with the handsomely attractive new guy. "That's what happens when you're underpaid and have to deal with self-absorbed teenagers," I breathed, trying to make a joke.
   He laughed, his smile contagious. "I guess so." He looked as though he wanted to say more, but Dana returned before he got the chance.

   Moving along the line, I picked out my meal and headed outside in search of Caroline and Bonnie. I spotted them sitting, just as Caroline had said, in our usual spot near the bleachers by the football field. I took a tentative spot in their direction but stopped myself. The two of them were laughing together, catching up on the events of the Summer.
   Tears pricked my eyes as I watched them from afar. Both had given up so much for me during the Summer. Bonnie cancelled her trip to New Orleans for the Swing Dance Festival, then time with Caroline because she thought I could do with the company. And Caroline had to go to Summer camp without us because I was too depressed to go and Bonnie thought I needed her more than Caroline did. 
   A single tear slid down my cheek as I threw my tray in the trash can and ducked past the nearby students, making a beeline for the girls bathroom. I hurried down the hall, bathroom in sight when I bumped into to someone. He curled his fingers around my shoulders and held me at an arms length.
   "Hey Babe, why the rush?"
   "Ryan," I breathed, quickly wiping my eyes. "What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to hide my emotions. "I thought I told you it was over."
   Running his hands down the length of my arms, he moved close, his chest now resting against mine. "Come on Babe," he cooed, wrapping his fingers lightly around my wrists. "I know you're going through a rough patch, but I know a great way to take your mind off it..." Grinning he wrapped his arms tightly around my torso and tried to force his lips against mine. 
   "Ryan!" I panicked, trying to push him away. It was no use, he pushed me hard against a locker and pressed his body against mine, the tip of his tongue outlining my mouth. "Ryan," I breathed, tears pricking my eyes for the second time this lunch break. "Stop it! Ryan!" I shouted again, trying to free my arms from his grip. "Ryan, I said stop! Please..." My voice faltered as he forced his lips onto mine, kissing me passionately.
   A steady stream of tears trickled down my face as Ryan refused to stop but rather held me down harder. For a second, he stopped kissing, pausing to stare into my teary brown eyes. The fingers of his free hand slid down my torso and found their way to the band of my jeans. He folded his finger my belt when a strong, firm hand cupped his shoulder and yanked him back, pulling him right off of me and to the opposite side of the hall. 
   Astonished, I watched at the new guy from the lunch line and my English class pushed Ryan against the locker with his forearm and pointed at him with the other. "She asked you to stop."
   "And who are you?" Ryan snorted. "You think you're here boyfriend or something? Because she's already got one of those."
   "I don't think you heard me," his face darkened. "She asked you to stop, so I suggest you back off and leave her alone. Alright?"
   The mysterious hottie raised his eyebrows and let Ryan go, watching him as he backed down the hall before running outside. Turning to face me, his eyes softened and he offered a quick, small smile. "Are you alright?" He asked, his voice full of concern as he extended an arm to help me off the ground.
   Wiping my face with the hem of my shirt, I entwined my fingers in his, feeling the strong, muscular lines in his hand as he pulled me up in one swift movement. "Yeah," I mumbled, blinking the moisture out of my eyes. "Thanks."
   "Any time," he acknowledged, his nut-brown eyes sparkling in the light. "Was that your boyfriend?" He asked, tilting his head as I grabbed my bag off the floor.
   "No," I laughed, glancing towards the door Ryan ran out of. "Um, he's not. An ex."
   "He seems to think there's still something there," he remarked.
   "Yeah, well, there's not," I huffed, yanking the shoulder strap of my bag over my shoulder. "His problem, not mine. Excuse me," I mumbled, ducking past to the girls bathroom.

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