~Chapter Forty Six~

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Stefan squeezed my hand gently as Bonnie and Grams stood in the center of a circle of fire, the wooden torches flickering orange as they examined the Grimoire. Damon rocked on his heels beside me, unable to wipe the silly grin on his face as he licked the side of his lip, watching with anticipation as the Bennett witches readied themselves to open the tomb. "Where's the teacher dude?" Damon smirked.
   "At home with Jenna," I breathed, comforted by the fact that she was protected. "He'll make sure she doesn't leave the house, or invite anyone she shouldn't into the house."
   "Just think," he sighed in satisfaction, glancing over at Stefan. "In a few hours I'll be but a distant memory. Admit it," he challenged, his eyes narrowing. "You can't wait to get rid of me."
   Stefan looked up at his brother, his expression placid as he repeated Damon's words. "I can't wait to get rid of you."
   Damon chuckled, unfolding his arms as he pulled a square plastic bag from his jacket pocket, a sticky red substance swishing around inside. "What?" He shrugged at Stefan's disapproving glare. "Katherine's gotta have something to get her going," he rolled his eyes. Unless of course, your girls veins are up for grabs," he smirked, chuckling to himself as though he had just made a hilarious joke.
   Rubbing my arms, I loosened my scarf and brushed my fingertips against the fang wounds Ben left after he bit me. All this talk of blood and vampires made me nervous. "Hey," Stefan murmured, draping his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. "Everything's going to be fine," he reassured me with a smile. "It's just like Damon said. In a few hours everything will be back to normal."
   "Normal," I nodded uneasily. "Sounds great."
   "We're ready," Bonnie interrupted, glancing up from the spell book while Grams rubbed her hands together, eager to get this over and done with. For once, I agreed. As skeptical as I was to say goodbye to Damon, the sooner this was over, the better.

Bonnie and Grams spread their legs apart and took a sturdy stance before joining hands over the Grimoire. Their monotone voices filled the eerie, night air as they began reciting the spell to free Katherine. My eyebrows furrowed as I listened in, trying to identify their words as they spoke.
   "What're they saying?" Damon raised a confused eyebrow.
   "Sounds Latin," Stefan replied.
   "They're witches reciting a spell," I murmured. "I don't think it's Latin."
   I jumped back at the flames on the torches flared, dancing wildly around the top of the stalk as their voices grew louder. Stefan's hand slipped out of mine as I hugged my torso, frantically eyeing the fires as they burned brighter. My back hit the stone wall as the sound of stones falling directed my attention to the hidden door carved into the wall of the crumbling church. An ancient witchy looking star appeared on the door as it creaked open, stones and dust rolling down the grey bricks as the Bennett's completed the spell.
   "Oh my gosh," I breathed as Stefan shone his torch towards the dark opening. "It worked."
   "Of course it worked," Grams retorted, wiping the invisible dust from her pants. "Now that we have upheld our end of the deal," she crossed her arms. "You two," she glared at the Salvatore's. "You'd better burn every last one of those monsters or I will burn you. Got it?"
   Damon turned to Stefan, nodding in the direction of the car. "What are you waiting for brother? Go get the gasoline."
   Stefan glanced back at me, his thoughts divided. On the one hand, he knew he needed to get the gasoline ready to burn the vampires but on the other hand, he didn't want to leave me. "Go," I urged him. "I'll be waiting right here when you get back."
   "I'll be right back," he promised, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before disappearing into the darkness.
   Damon held a torch over the door, peering inside. Turning back, he glanced towards Bonnie and Grams who were waiting at the center of the circle, clutching the Grimoire between them. His eyes narrowed as he nodded towards me, grabbing my hand. "You ready?"
   "What?" I exclaimed, jumping back.
   "Like I'm gonna go there in by myself," he growled, roughly pulling my body into his. "So you can seal me in?"
   "Don't take her in," Grams warned, fear flashing through her eyes as I struggled in Damon's arms. "I'll bring the walls down," she threatened.
   "You'll bring the walls down if I don't, you think I trust you?" He hissed.
   "As much as I trust you."
   "Enough," I gasped, finally pulling myself free. Stumbling back, I re balanced myself then took a deep breath, glancing between Damon and Grams while Bonnie stood back, fear stricken as the vampire and the witch spat threats. "He needs leverage," I explained. "He needs to know you won't shut the door once he's inside, I get it." Damon locked eyes with me and I nodded slightly, holding my hand out. "I'll go."

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