~ Chapter Fifty~

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It didn't take me as long as I thought it would to get back to the Salvatore Boarding House. For one, their place was right on the edge of town and a lot closer than our house, and two, I ran the entire way home. It seemed the flurry of anger, mourning, excitement, grief and disappointment was adrenaline enough to get me there before my legs collapsed beneath me.
   I burst through the door, my boots skidding to a halt on the wooden floorboards sending me hurling towards the ground. I crouched on my hands and knees, panting as I slowly slumped against the wall. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. The tears hadn't stop the entire time I'd been running and now my eyes were all dried up with no moisture left to give. I sniffed, wiping my nose with the edge of my sleeve when a dead, crinkled leaf flew in through the open door and I remembered where I was. Pulling myself together, I stood, closed the door, and went in search of Stefan. Hopefully I wasn't too late for the fundraiser. 
   I jogged up the stairs, my legs aching beneath me with each jolt. When I finally made it to the top, I paused, groaning as I stumbled down the hall to Stefan's room. "Stefan?" I called, pushing the door open before collapsing on the bed. "Stefa-"
   "Better. Me."
   I jolted on the mattress, sitting up as Damon staggered out of the bathroom connected to his brother's bedroom. The crisp fabric of his unbuttoned shirt swayed by his hips, the black fabric contrasting against his moon-white abs carved beneath his chiseled pecs. I blinked, unsure of what to say. "Damon," I breathed, noting the half-empty bottle of bourbon hanging between his fingertips. "You look..."
   He raised one bushy, black eyebrow and smirked, walking to so close his chest was practically pressed against mine. "Dashing? Gorgeous?" He edged his face closer to mine. "Irresisistable?" He winked, fumbling over the world.
   "Wrecked," I murmured, pushing him back slightly. "I was going to say wrecked." No doubt the aftermath of losing Katherine. 
   He swayed, losing his balance as he snorted at my observation. "Can't imagine why... Do you know that I am one of Mystic Falls' most eligible bachelors?" He boasted, puffing out his chest all the while he pushed his lips together as though he were posing for a picture.
   "Huh," I murmured, folding my arms over my chest as she swaggered towards Stefan's floor-length mirror. 
   "Yep. What do you say, Eva?" He winked, almost falling over as he tipped the remainder of the bottle down his throat. "Will you buy me? Or will you be lame like Katherine and leave me for S-S-S-Stefan," he spat.
   I pursed my lips. I was still, well, confused over what happened with Trudie but that could wait. Damon was obviously trying to keep it together, but I could tell he was hurting inside. "How are you?" I asked, my voice soft.
   "Never better," he slurred, tossing the bottle on the bed. Yep. What can I do for you? I'm a barrel of favors today. It's my newfound purpose; how can I help people?"
   "Where's Stefan?" I asked, glancing out the window to see if he was on his way in.
   "Pfft, where do you think?" He grunted. I shrugged, waiting for Damon to elaborate. "He went to your house looking for you. He should be back soon," he glared at me. "Seeing as you aren't there." I scowled, watching as Damon's fingers fumbled with his button. He growled in frustration, clenching his fists before swinging around. "Help a guy out, will you? I can't... Get... This..."
   Sighing, I dropped my bag on Stefan's desk and turned Damon back around so he was facing the mirror before working my way down his shirt, sliding the buttons through their allocated holes. I could feel Damon's piercing gaze as he leaned forward, narrowing the gap between us. I crinkled my nose at the strong scent of alcohol oozing from his mouth. 
   "So," he started again, shifting slightly as my fingers hovered above his bare chest, working to button his shirt. "Where were you anyway?"
   I shook my head slightly. "I don't want to talk about it."
   He raised an eyebrow. "Ah, don't tell me you're makin' a habit outta kissin' other guys, because me I understand, I'm obviously sexy and charming but other guys," he shook his head, his words slurring together in his drunken state. "They're not as good as... Ow."
   I gritted my teeth, pulling Damon's shirt tightly to put an end to his rambling. "I did not let you kiss you because I thought you were charming or sexy or irresistible," I hissed. "I let you kiss me because I knew how much losing Katherine hurt you and I felt sorry for you. Got it?"
   "Eh, whatever," he spat, almost losing his balance again. "So are you say where you were? Or are you gonna make me guess-s-s-s?"
   My grimace deepened as I lifted my eyes to meet Damon's. "If you must know, I was in Grove Hill."
   His eyebrows furrowed as he thought hard. "Grove 'ill? And you didn't tell anyone?" He wagged his finger, smirking slightly. "Bad girl," he scolded. "You d'serve a spanking for tha..." His frown deepened as he leaned closer, widening his eyes. "What's in Grove Hill?"
   "That's none of your concern," I stated, finishing with the last button of his shirt. "There. Done."
   "Oh come on," he moaned, scrunching his face. "Tell meeeee, or do I have to tell Stefan about our kiss?" He threatened, contorting one half of his face.
   "Fine," I scowled. "I was in Grove Hill to find out who my birth mother is, OK?"
   "Eh," he brushed it off. "Who cares?"
   Anger flashed through my eyes, followed by hurt. He may have been drunk, but how could he say something like that? He didn't Isobel or anything about her. "Wha-"
   "She left you," he murmured, his eyes moist and vulnerable as he bowed his head closer to mine. "She sucks."

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