~Chapter Six~

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Bonnie, Caroline and I laid on the soft grass of the football field and watched the grey, flocculent clouds float across the endless stretch of cerulean. Allowing my eyelids to flutter, I couldn't help but smile. Last night had been the best night of my life. Well, the best night of my life without my parents and Elena. 
   Yes, the loss of my family had left a hole in my heart and yes, I missed the long nights spent laughing with Elena and the edible homemade cooking, but I doubted Stefan and I would be this close if they were still here. As guilty as that made me feel, I couldn't help but wonder if this was the silver lining in my dark cloud. 
   Stefan and I had talked for hours last night - it must have been one o'clock when he left (luckily Jenna had stayed asleep or else she would no doubt have given me a lecture about boys). He told me all about his travels overseas, which I was totally envious of, and then his parents. Stefan exerted toughness, strength and confidence but it must have taken a lot of guts for him to share. He told me his father was killed by a misfire during a hunting trip and his mother died from loss of blood due to a vicious animal attack. It was heartbreaking to hear his story and I sort of felt like he was expecting me to open up about my family, but I couldn't. Even after three hours of getting to know each other, I just couldn't bring myself to tell him about Elena and my parents. Maybe it was too soon, or maybe I was just guarding myself. Whatever the reason, the fact that Stefan could speak of his deceased loved ones gave me hope that maybe one day I would be able to speak like that about mine too. 
   "Ugh," Bonnie groaned, rolling onto her side. "I feel sick," she murmured, clutching her stomach.
   "Are you OK?" I asked, sitting up. "Do you think you're going to throw up?" I brushed her thick curls out of her face and felt her forehead. Everything felt normal. 
   "I'm sure I'll be fine," she winced.
   "You can't be sick!" Caroline complained, sitting up with the rest of us and leaning back against the side of the bleachers. "Tonight's the back to school bonfire. You have to come!"
   "Don't worry Caroline," Bonnie chuckled. "Not even vomit could keep me away from the woods tonight."
   "Yaay!" Caroline clapped. "And what about you, Eva? Can we expect to see you there?" Both Bonnie and Caroline stared at me, waiting to hear a yes but instead I shook my head.
   "Not tonight."
   "Eva!" Caroline moaned like a five year old who just had their bag of lollies confiscated. "You have to go. It's a right of passage."
   "Yeah, well, there's always next year," I shrugged.
   "Evangeline Hannah Gilbert," Caroline scolded me, saying my full name like the way my dad did the night we went off the bridge. "As a Junior student of Mystic Falls High School and as my friend, attendance of the back to school bonfire is compulsory. No arguments. You're welcome."
   Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my bag and headed off, waving as I deserted my two friends for the privacy of the ladies bathroom. I loved Caroline, but sometimes she could just be so oblivious and insensitive. I wasn't going to the bonfire, not because I didn't want to go, but because I couldn't. It was too painful. Every time I drive over Tabor Road I am reminded of the accident which took my parents, and almost me. And every time I see that forest I am reminded of Elena's blood soaked body lying in the dirt, cold and lifeless.
   I splashed some cold water on my face and crouched on the porcelain tiles. If I hadn't agreed to sneak out that night Elena never would have been attacked and my parents would never have been out in the first place. It was my fault that they were gone and I had to live with that, but I would not subject myself to even more pain by visiting the place of their...
   "Eva?" Bonnie poked her head around the door and offered a tight lipped smile. "I thought I might find you here." She pulled me into a hug and I rested my chin on her shoulder, my bottom lip trembling. "I talked to Caroline. You don't have to go to the party tonight. We can stay in and watch movies instead, if you like."
   "Bonnie, no!" I exclaimed, pulling away. "I'm not going tonight but that doesn't mean you should miss out."
   "No," I begged. "You have done so much for me already and have missed out on so much because of me. You are such an amazing and loyal friend and I love you so much but I'll survive without you for a night."
   "Are you sure?" She asked, hopeful. 
   "OK, I'll go. But know I'll be thinking about you all night," she grinned.
   "Have fun!"

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