~ Chapter Fifty Nine ~

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My black heels clicked against the marble landing that curled around the spiraling staircase of the Founders Hall. My chest rose and fell at a rapid rate, threatening to split a seam of the azure silk that hugged my breasts. I leaned over the golden filigree railing, pushing down the churning feeling in my stomach. I thought I could do this. I thought I could make Mom proud and finish what Elena and I started. I thought I could do this, but I couldn't. Not with everything going on, not without Stefan.
   "Uh," Caroline's moan echoed across the landing. "I cannot believe Matt couldn't get just one afternoon off for this, just one," she complained, throwing the hem of her mermaid styled skirt to the ground. "He... Woah, Eva, are you OK?"
   She slid her hand over my shoulder, squeezing the bone as I rubbed my temples. "Caroline, do you see Stefan?" I breathed, locking my knees to stop them knocking. "I can't see him, do you see him? I tried calling but... But he won't... Oh my gosh," I panted, fanning my neck. "I need air."
   "Hey, hey," Caroline cooed, turning me to face her. "Eva, relax," she demanded. "Calm down."
   "No, Care," I grimaced, pulling out of her grasp. "You don't understand. I have to find-"
   "Hey," she snapped, shaking my arms. "Today is not about Stefan, Eva. It's not even about you. It's about your mom and Elena," she reminded me. "And your mom and Elena wouldn't want you to freak out, all right? They would want you to have fun." 
   I shook my head, wiping the corner of my eye before a tear could escape. "Caroline, I can't do this without Stefan. I need him, I need-"
   "You don't need him, Eva," she growled, pulling me from the banister. "You don't need anyone. You are a strong and independent woman, and you can do this," he urged, grasping my hands. "I know you can." She tilted her head, her perfectly placed blonde curls falling with her ear. "Your family would be so proud of you, E. So proud. But only if you do this."
   Wiping my cheek, I nodded. "You know what, Caroline?" I breathed, squaring my shoulders. "You're right. This isn't about me, this is about Mom and Elena." I took a deep breath, scanning the Stefan-less crowd below. "I can do this."
   Caroline beamed, triumphant. "Good," she nodded. "Now when Mrs. Lockwood calls your name you had better get your butt down those stairs," she warned. "Or else... I'll have Bonnie curse you or something," she giggled.
   I laughed, forcing my heart to slow. "OK, OK," I smiled, returning her embrace. "Thanks, you're a good friend, Care. Oh, and good luck," I beamed, shaking her hand. "May the best woman win."
   Caroline opened her mouth to respond when Mrs. Lockwood's amplified voice boomed across the courtyard. "Miss Caroline Forbes and her escort, Jeffrey Hamilton." She squealed, clapping her hands before recomposing herself. I watched in admiration, all thoughts of Stefan and his newly awakened blood lust fading as she waved like a Queen. She had this in the bag.
   "Miss Evangeline Gilbert, escorted by Stefan Salvatore." My heart skipped a beat as I followed Caroline's lead, smiling as though everything was perfect. It was how Elena would have done it, and Mom. It was how I would make them proud.
   Holding my head high, I floated down the steps, waving as my friends and family watched on in awe. My fingers grasped the skirt of my dress, lifting it above my shoes as I scanned the line of suitors for Stefan. My heart began to pound in my chest, its rate quickening as I neared the final step. He knew how important this was to me. Where could he be? And what could possibly be more important than supporting his girl?
   Hurried movement amongst the parting crowd drew my gaze to a handsome tuxedo, topped off with the most stunning pair of oceans embedded above clean-shaven vanilla cheeks. He cut in the line of suitors, his mouth curving into a sort of smile as he extended his hand. "Where's Stefan?" I hissed, sliding my arm through his. 
   He stared straight ahead, pausing for the school photographer while Jenna and Alaric frowned at my hand in Damon's. "I don't know," he whispered. "There was blood in the bathroom, a lot of it," he grimaced, leading me to the center of the courtyard where the other contestants and their escorts stood waiting. "Don't worry," he assured me with a slight wink. "Right now, we just have to get through this, OK?"
   I gulped, nodding as the music drifted across the lawn. Damon stepped forward, mirroring my bow before standing back. Synchronized with the other couples, we walked towards each other, an inch between our shoes as we lifted a hand in the air. Our fingers never touched - as rehearsed - as we turned around one another. "Hey," he murmured, offering a wink. "Relax, you look beautiful."
   I smiled, a warm comfort guiding my limbs as I stepped to Damon, my hand resting against his shoulder while the other slid around his back. He cradled my shoulder blade in his palm, his fingers molding perfectly to the muscles of my back as he cupped my waist, grasping tightly as we danced around the fountain. I closed my eyes, my fingers digging into his shoulder as I held back a gasp. Butterflies churned my stomach as my fingertips turned numb against Damon's black tuxedo jacket. 
   "Hey." He lifted his chin, touching his finger to mine as his brows knitted together. "You OK?"
   I gulped, nodding as the music faded out. 

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