~Chapter Fifty Two~

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Stefan handed me a steaming cup of coffee before pulling my feet off the ground and draping my legs over his lap. I adjusted my position, leaning my head on the arm of the sofa while the orange flames crackled behind the soot-covered grate. My hand curled around the mug, my fingers warming as I balanced it on my flat stomach. My eyes fluttered closed as Stefan stroked my leg, the calming motion enough to dull my senses. Our double date with Matt and Caroline had been... Interesting. I'd never really enjoyed double dating and today was no exception. It was nice to spend some time with Caroline but between the hours of waiting for her in the dressing rooms and my dwelling thoughts of Isobel, there wasn't a whole lot of fun involved.
   "Eva," Stefan murmured, gently squeezing my calf.
   "Earlier, I overheard you and Caroline talking about some competition for the Founders Day Gala. What was that about?"
   I sat up, swinging my legs over the edge of the sofa before leaning into Stefan, my head resting against his shoulder. "It's nothing," I lied, watching the dark brown liquid swish around beneath the lip. "You still haven't told me what you found out while we were in Grove Hill," I reminded him quietly.
   He draped his arm over my shoulder, squeezing it tightly before entwining my fingers in his. "I will tell you once you tell me what Caroline said," he compromised.
   "You first."
   He sighed, shifting slightly as he pulled his phone from his pocket. "I went to Trudie's house."
   "Did she invite you in?" I queried, lifting my gaze to his. 
   He shook his head. "She didn't need to. When she didn't answer the door, I figured something was wrong. The door was unlocked and I walked right in. She was lying on upside down on the stairwell, her body drained of its blood."
   My heart sunk as I stared at the flames, my vision turning hazy. "She was killed? By a vampire?"
   "I don't think so," Stefan frowned. "She'd certainly been fed on by a vampire, but I don't think she was killed by one. Trudie was... Superstitious. She had vervain everywhere. Her windowsills were lined with plants, all vervain, and it was all of her food and perfumes. While snooping I found some wooden stakes in every room of the house - she was well prepared. I don't think she would have invited a vampire into her house."
   "Then who killed her?" I whispered, wrapping my arm around Stefan's firm, toned torso.
   "I'm not sure. It could have been the same man who told you to stop looking for Isobel. I mean, it sort of makes sense. Trudie obviously knew Isobel, and that she was a vampire. And Isobel was pretty upset when you went asking about her. Maybe she had the same man who threatened you kill Trudie."
   "But why?" I breathed, my voice shaky. "Why doesn't she want me to find her?"
   "I don't know," he admitted, kissing my head. "Isobel might have had Trudie killed because she thought she told you how to find her, or just because you knew Trudie knew something. Either way, once Trudie had been killed any vampire - including Isobel - could easily have gone inside and drank the rest of her."
   I shuddered at the thought - my mother, drinking the remains of her high school bestie. It was disgusting. Who could do such a thing? "So you didn't find anything that could help us find her?"
   "You still want to find her?"
   I straightened my posture, twisting my body to face him. "Yes, Stefan. I know she's horrible, and I get that she doesn't want me to find her, but she's my birth mother. I have to find her. And I have to know her, even if she is sick and twisted."
   "But why would you want to find someone sick and twisted?" He asked, not in an unkind way, just curious. "Isn't knowing that she's an evil vampire enough?"
   "I don't expect you to understand," I muttered, fiddling with his daylight ring. "But I need to find her. Not just for the sake of finding her, but my birth father as well. She's the only one who knows who he is, and, I just need to know. I know it doesn't make much sense, but there's so much I don't know, like why I can't be compelled or why vervain burns my skin. There's so much I don't know and may never know, but this? This is something I can know and if I can, then, I have to. And not just for me, but Elena too. She never even know we were adopted and if she were here..." I sniffed, recalling, just for a moment, what it was like to forget she was dead. "If she were here I know she'd want to figure out who our birth parents were." I bit my lip, staring down at my lap. "I couldn't save her," I choked, quickly wiping my eyes. "I owe her this much."
   Stefan set my coffee cup down and pulled me into a hug, his hand clutching the back of my head as I pressed the side of my cheek against his chest. "It's not your fault, Eva. None of it is, but I get it. You feel an obligation to know, I understand," he tilted his head, meeting my eyes. "I will help you find Isobel... But only after you tell me what Caroline was talking about," he grinned.
   I groaned, grabbing my coffee back as I sat up. "It's nothing," I shook my head, my hair falling about my face. "Just some competition I signed up for last Spring."
   "Tell me," he urged.
   "It's the Miss Mystic Falls Beauty Pageant," I admitted, embarrassed. "Six girls are chosen to compete every year. They're usually girls who are dedicated students, volunteer a lot and help with town events like fundraisers and stuff," I explained.
   "Like Bachelor Raffle fundraiser?" He raised his eyebrows.
   "Yeah," I blushed.
   "So, what do you have to do?"
   I shrugged, pulling the hem of my purple long sleeve shirt over my knuckles. "We're each given a sponsor which promotes a certain color. We get to go out, buy a dress of that color, have our hair and makeup done and then we're shown off to the town at the Founders Ball Dance. After an afternoon of that and tea parties, the winner is announced and there's a whole parade and everything." I rolled my eyes. "But, I'm going to pull out."
   "What? Why?"
   I shrugged. "I don't know. The only reason I did it was because my mom, she did when she was my age and won so Elena and I decided to enter and do it together, but, she's not here and I don't really want to do it alone."
   Stefan grasped my hand, squeezing gently. "But you won't be alone Eva. You'll have me, and I assume Caroline's doing it. Just because Elena's missing out doesn't mean you have to too."
   "I don't know Stefan..."
   "Eva," his tone softened. "I didn't know your sister, but from what you've told me she wouldn't want you to stop living your life because she lost hers. She'd want you to get out there and do everything for the both of you. I think your Mom would want the same thing."
   A tear escaped from the corner of my eye as I swatted it away, hoping Stefan wouldn't notice. "I don't know Stefan. I just, the whole point was to do it together, for Mom-"
   "Well now you can do it for both of them," he encouraged. "And I will be with you every step of the way."
   I hesitated, contemplating Stefan's words. He was right, as usual. The whole point of this Miss Mystic Falls thing was to do it for Mom and with the most important person of my life. But, just because Elena was gone, that didn't mean I couldn't still do it. I mean, I'd still be doing it with the most important person of my life, and for Mom, and for her too. "You promise?" I asked, my voice hopeful, and maybe even a little excited.
   He beamed, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Always."
   I leaned forward, the gap between our lips practically non-existent when the lights turned on and Damon appeared behind us, his face hovering almost as close. "What's going on guys?" I jumped back, gasping as I instinctively slapped his face. I covered my mouth, just as shocked as him as I leaned back. He turned his head sharply towards me, his lips pressed in a tight line. "Ouch," he grimaced, showing no hint of pain or remorse. 
   "Damon," Stefan growled, almost knocking his brother over as he stood from the couch. "What are you doing here?"
   "Um, let me think about that," he tilted his head, the tip of his fingers resting against his chin. "That's right, I live here. Anyway," he turned his attention back to me, his tongue brushing against his lips. "What is she doing here?"
   "Leaving," I replied, standing from the couch. 
   "Eva," Stefan pleaded, catching my wrist as I turned to leave. "You don't, you don't have to go."
   "Yes, Stefan, I do," I sighed. "I can't..." I glanced over at Damon who was smiling as he waved his fingers. "I can't be here, I just can't. I'm sorry."
   He sighed, placing his hands on my hips. "I'll drive you home."
   "No, you should stay here," I told him. "I'll be fine. It's not too far."
   "Eva," he begged, tilting his head. "Please?"
   "It's the middle of the night," he reasoned. "And I doubt Jenna would want you walking home by yourself this late. Besides," he smiled, pulling me closer. "Maybe we can, I don't know, have a little fun, to make up for Caroline's shopping," he added quickly.
   "Fine," I conceded, sliding my arm around his torso. "You can take me home. But only if you promise to stop worrying about me. I know things have been crazy lately but I can't live my life with you shadowing my every move or calling every five minutes to make sure I'm OK," I told him. "I'm not a movie star, I don't need a bodyguard."
   "Sorry for caring about your safety," he ridiculed.
   "Hey, I can take care of myself," I reminded him. "And you need to worry about your own safety. I have Jeremy to worry about mine but you..." I glanced over at Damon who still hadn't left. "Well, you don't a kind, loving, feeling brother who cares enough about anything or anyone other than himself to worry about your safety," I glowered.
   "Ooh," Damon shook his head, straightening his posture. "How long are you gonna blame me for turning your birth mother into a vampire?"
   "Oh no Damon, I don't blame you. I've accepted the fact that you're a self-serving psychopath with no redeeming qualities."
   "Ouch," he glared, sipping a glass of bourbon I didn't realize he was holding. Must have used his supernatural speed and stealth to get it while I wasn't paying attention. What kind of jerk abuses supernatural powers to indulge his inner alcoholic?
"Alright, guys," Stefan interrupted, his tone soft yet firm (although most of that firmness was directed at Damon). "Settle down. Let's get out of here," he suggested, guiding me towards the door and out into the peaceful, Damon-free night.

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