~Chapter Thirteen~

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Throwing my duvet off the bed, I washed my face and combed my hair. Bonnie would see no point in wearing makeup on a day like today, but community fundraising or not, Stefan would be there and I wanted to look beautiful whether I was washing a car or not.
   Slipping into my black and navy bikini, I pulled my black shorts on over my tog bottoms and jogged downstairs, pulling my maroon zip sweater over my torso. "Um... Where are you going dressed like that?" Jenna raised an eyebrow as I finished zipping my sweater.
   "The school fundraiser's today," I informed her, boiling the jug. "Apparently washing cars in bikinis and board shorts are supposed to attract more donors," I rolled my eyes.
   "Ah, yes," she sighed in satisfaction. " The sexy suds car wash. Now that is one of the few things I remember from high school."
   Laughing, I poured myself a fresh cup of coffee and took a sip, screwing the lid of my thermos mug on tight as I slipped into my coral hued flip flops. "A little inappropriate for a school event I would think."
   "Your grandma thought so too. Your grandparents made me wear a t-shirt over top and long baggy shorts."
   "Ha," I cackled, throwing my head back. "No wonder you had to leave town. Speaking of which, you and Logan Fell, huh? What's that about? I thought you hated him or something?"
   "So did I," she shrugged. "But he apologised and as responsible and mature adults we decided to start afresh as friends," she exaggerated the last bit. "I'm totally over what happened and we've moved on-"
   "Together?" I giggled.
   "Shut up," she threw one of the couch cushions at me, her face all scrunched up.
   "Ooh," I teased. "Touchy much."
   "Don't you have a date with soap suds or something?" She pulled a face.
   "You don't have work today," I thought aloud. "So why would you want me out of the house unless... You're expecting a visitor?" I squealed as Jenna buried her face in the couch. "Jenna's got a date, Jenna's got a date, Jenna's got a-"
   "Alright, time to go." Jenna leaped off the couch and placed her hands flat on my back, steering me towards the door as I chanted her 'Jenna's got a date' in a teasing, mocking voice. "Goodbye, see you later,have a great day at school!" She said hurriedly.
   "Have fun on your date!" I called as she closed the door behind me.


The harsh sun burned the skin beneath my sweater as I leaned over the bonnet of Miss Hilton's car, scrubbing the soapy suds around the light pink steel. Glancing up, I gazed across the lot at Stefan's strong, defined muscles shifting as he washed Mayor Lockwood's car. As if he knew I was watching, he looked up and smiled, winking. My cheeks reddened as I ducked my head, grinning as I felt Stefan's penetrating gaze on my face.
   The bell signalling the next break rang and a sigh of relief swept through the sea of students as we drifted towards the courts, away from the parked cars of the kind Mystic Falls donors. 
   Overheating in my sweater, I tugged at the zip but it caught on the fabric of my bikini. Pulling it over my head, I navigated my way through the sweaty, maroon sleeves. My long ponytail caught in the hood as I yanked it off. Stomping my foot in frustration, I growled but luckily, a kind fellow student lent a hand. 
   "Hold still," Stefan laughed, pulling the sweater and zip free of my hair and bikini. 
   Cheeks flushed, I smiled a thank you then draped my arms around his neck, fiddling with the hem of his brown tee shirt he wore to protect himself from the sun while we weren't washing cars. 
   "Oh Stefan," I smiled, kissing his moist lips. "What would I do without you?"
   "Ooof, I'd hate to think."
   Smiling, I kissed him again but was interrupted by a chorus of high pitched screams. Letting go of Stefan, I craned my neck to see a bunch of girls running away from Sheriff Forbes's police car as the concrete around it caught fire, the hazy orange flames licking the side of the metal.
   "Stefan..." I started, but he was gone. Frowning, I looked around frantically. Where is Stefan? He was standing right here a second ago... He couldn't just vanish, could he?
   Running towards the fire, I saw Bonnie standing  motionless beside it in her bikini. I called her name but she just stood there, staring as though the growing flames weren't dangerous in any way. My hands began to shake and panic overwhelmed me as I watched the fiery flames creep towards my unaware best friend. I wanted to run in after her, but the fire was moving so fast surely I would get burned (or worse) by the time I reached her. But I couldn't just leave her there, she was my best friend!
   As my mind debated with my heart on what to do I saw Stefan appear bedside Bonnie, shaking her shoulders, making no effort to move her or himself from danger's path. "Stefan! Get her out of there!" I screamed, tears pricking my eyes.
   Stefan didn't even glance my way as he continued to shake Bonnie's shoulders. I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling at the roots in worry and frustration as two of the most important people in my life stood by as the burning flames licked at their shoes. 
   Tears streamed down my eyes as Stefan jumped back, rubbing his arm from the orange ribbon curled around his arm. In that moment, Bonnie blinked and the fire disappeared into thin mists of smoke, dissipating quickly into the clear, cerulean sky. 

   Baffled, I watched Stefan lead Bonnie away from the cars, everything else resuming as if there was no fire. Running through the crowds of students and past the rows of cars, I struggled to catch them as they disappeared around the corner of the gym. "Stefan?" I yelled, bursting through the doors only to find it empty. "Bonnie?" I ran around the premises, searching for my friends but they were nowhere to be found.
   "Whoa!" My tears blurred my vision as I turned a corner, running straight into Matt, knocking him over. "Eva, are you alright?"
   "Matt," I puffed, leaning on my knees. "Have you... Have you seen Bonnie and Stefan?"
   "Sorry, no," he shook his head, glancing nervously at his phone. "I'm actually looking for Vicki. I heard about the brawl at the Founders Party the other night. She didn't come home and I've been looking for her all day. I was hoping maybe she'd turn up here, but no one's seen her."
   "Did you try calling her?" I furrowed my brow, wondering where she could be.
   "Yup. No answer," he grimaced. "I'm really worried about her, Eva. I know you don't like her, but I would really appreciate your help," he pleaded.
   Nodding, I glanced around. "Of course Matt. Your sister and I have our differences but I'll do what I can to help."
   "Thanks, I really appreciate it. And if there's anything I can do," he offered. "You said you were looking for Bonnie and Stefan?"
   "Yeah," I breathed, the dreaded feeling of concern and panic returning. "There was a fire out by one of the cars and Bonnie was standing right beside it. Stefan ran to help and got burned in the process," I shook my head. "Bonnie looked like she was staring into space, like she was in a whole other world, but as soon as she blinked, the fire disappeared."
   He shrugged. "Maybe someone hosed it while you were looking at her," he suggested. "It's the only rational explanation."
   "Yeah," I murmured, still not convinced. "Anyway, we should get back, I'm sure they'll turn up somewhere. And I'll ask Jeremy about Vicki. Maybe he knows something."


"Jeremy!" I called as the students and teachers packed up all of car wash equipment. I saw him look back and rolling his eyes, he continued towards the car, a cigarette balanced between his lips. "Jeremy!" I hissed as I neared him, angry that he would ignore me like this. "Hey," I pulled his shoulder back in frustration.
   "Watch it!" He barked, pulling away.
   "Don't worry, I'm not here to lecture you on drugs or smoking... Although if you-"
   "Get to the point Eva."
   "OK. Matt hasn't seen Vicki since she left for the Founders Party and was wondering if you knew where she was."
   "Wow, pretending to care about Vicki," he nodded slowly. "How righteous of you."
   "Jere, this is serious. Vicki could be missing, she could be hurt!" I exclaimed as he unlocked the car, dad's key chain rattling in his hand. "Don't you even care?"
   "Of course I care," he spat. "And since I'm the only one who actually cares about Vicki I am going to be the one to make sure she's OK. Got it?"
   "Vicki is Matt's sister and he is worried about her. Genuinely worried. Just because you've slept with her does not give you the right to decide who does or doesn't care about her, and it doesn't give you the right to decide what happens to her either."
   "Give it a rest Eva," he grumbled.
   "Not until you tell me where she is," I demanded.
   "Fine. I don't know where she is," he admitted. "Alright? I've been texting her all night and again today but she hasn't responded. It's not like her."
   "Jeremy," my tone softened. "If you know anything, I need to know."
   Shrugging, he closed the door, speaking through the open window. "Let me know if you find anything."

Dear Diary,
   Today has been crazier than I could've imagined. First with the fire, then Stefan vanishing and reappearing seconds later by Bonnie, and now Vicki. Matt's been freaking out all day and honestly, I'm a little shook myself. 
   Sheriff Forbes is out looking for Vicki along with the rest of the town, and Jeremy hasn't come out of his room since we got home from school. I've been texting Stefan and Bonnie but they haven't replied. What if whatever happened to Vicki has happened to them too? And Caroline, she wasn't at school today. I called her but she sounded flustered and slightly worried. When I asked her what the problem was she told me she was fine and that she had to go. Very unlike Caroline. 
   Something weird is going on in this town and I'm determined to find out what. 

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