~Chapter Forty Eight~

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I sighed a long, jaded sigh as Jenna scanned the shelves for the next item on her grocery list. We had literally been standing at this single shelf for the past four minutes. Whatever it was she was searching for, it wasn't here, or maybe it was, and in that case, she definitely needed glasses. She ran her finger along the tags, peering at the handwritten labels and prices. Don't get me wrong, I loved Jenna, her resilience and stubbornness was somewhat inspiring, especially when it was in my favour, but this was getting ridiculous. It didn't matter how many times she looked, it didn't matter how bad she wanted it, hoping and wishing for something wasn't going to make it so. I should know - I spent three months of my life trying.
   "Are you guys still here?" Jeremy shook his head, swaggering down the aisle with a bag of ham in his hand. "Come on," he rolled his eyes. "I had a conversation with Tyler and waited for the butcher in the time that you guys have spent looking for... What is it you're looking for exactly?"
   "That's what I'd like to know," I glared at Jenna from behind her back. Jeremy cracked a grin, tossing the ham into the trolley.
   "I don't understand," Jenna shook her head, placing her hands on her hips. "It should be here, it has always been right here, it always will be right here," she reasoned to herself.
   "What are you looking for?" Jeremy and I chorused, laughing as Jenna peeled her eyes away from the shelf.
   "Ugh," she groaned, elbowing me out of the way and taking over the trolley. "If you must know, I'm looking for those weird little do-dackies. You know, those weird little chocolate shaped heart packet things?"
   Jeremy chuckled. "Uh, why?"
   "I've been asked to help organise the Bachelor Raffle at the Grill. I know it's stupid," she raised her arms in surrender as we moved through the aisle. "But as a member of the community," she quoted Mrs Lockwood, "I have to do my part, pfft, whatever that means," she rolled her eyes.
   Jenna's voice faded into the background as I caught sight of Damon between the half stocked shelves, standing in the drinks section, his basket full of expensive wines and other alcoholic beverages. My heartbeat quickened as I recalled the feeling of his mouth pressed against mine, the passion and ferocity behind the kiss making my lips tingle.
   I'd thought long and hard about whether or not to tell Stefan. On the one hand, he deserved to know, I was his girlfriend and he was his brother, but Damon didn't mean to kiss me. I mean, he did, but it wasn't meant for me, it was meant for Katherine, the woman he loved. Damon was hurting and if one little harmless kiss was what he needed to move on then who was I to stop him? Besides, Damon hadn't come into town since he lost Katherine, and here he was, out and about. It couldn't be a coincidence that the day after he got his kiss he was back to, well, his version of normal. I didn't want to lie to Stefan and I didn't want to hurt him, but I didn't want to hurt either of them. If Stefan found out things could get bad fast. His relationship with Damon was already pretty rocky and I didn't want to make it worse. But then again, if Stefan found out... We had been through so much. Lies, secrets, vampires and life threatening situations. We had promised to be honest with each other. If I told Stefan, his relationship with Damon could take a turn for the worse, a turn they may never be able to come back from, but if I didn't tell him, there was a chance our relationship could take a turn for the worse. 
   But Stefan and I had conquered so much already! We'd managed to work through numerous lies and secrets before, but Damon? When Damon realised we'd double crossed him he was ready to kill me, and when Stefan did - whatever it was he did in their past - Damon promised to make the rest of eternity miserable for him. Stefan and Damon were on thin ice, one little crack and their brotherhood would completely implode, but Stefan and I? We'd worked through all of this before and every time we came out stronger. If Stefan did find out, and that was a big if, we could work through it, I knew we could. There was a chance for us.
   I took a deep breath, momentarily closing my eyes before catching up with Jeremy and Jenna. So it was decided. I wouldn't tell Stefan about my kiss with Damon.

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