~Chapter Ten~

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Dear Diary,
   Stefan replaced my necklace today. I told him he didn't have to but he said he felt so guilty for what happened with the first one. He is so sweet, and despite what he says about being a loner, Bonnie actually likes him. She's still weary of her 'visions' but she hangs out with us at school.
   Stefan Stefan Stefan Stefan. I can't get him out of my mind. The first I think when I wake up is 'I get to see Stefan today'. But he's not just in my thoughts, he's in my dreams too. He is consuming my mind and... I like it.
   Yesterday we went back to his house after school and I practiced my piece for the Mystic Falls High School Performance Evening. He says it's sounding really good, and not that I need praise to give me confidence, but it does make me feel confident. And good. Really good.
   Tonight's the first football game of the year and Stefan's taking me. When I told Bonnie, I could tell something about that bothered her, but I ignored it. I loved Bonnie, but her witch 'visions' and stuff couldn't interest me less. It surprised me that Stefan found it fascinating, but he could have only said that out of politeness. Besides, I like Stefan. I really like Stefan. And if he wanted to drive me to the game, who was I to argue?

Downstairs, Jenna opened the front door just as I finished combing the last few knots from my hair. Reaching over the back of my vanity chair, I grabbed my white and beige striped scarf which was draped over the back of my closet door and wrapped it loosely around my neck, pulling my hair out from underneath. Applying a little bit of clear gloss to my lips, I made a kiss face in the mirror then smiled at my reflection. 
   It had been a long time since I had looked at myself and thought beautiful. In fact, I couldn't remember the last time I had thought it. After seeing Elena's body in the woods I had wanted to join her. I thought being happy was wrong because she had no doubt spent her last moments in suffering. After watching my parents drown I had felt so guilty. Elena never would have gone to the bonfire if I hadn't agreed. If I didn't agree my parents never would have come out and they would still be here and it was the same with Elena. 
   During the Summer I barely took care of myself because I didn't think I deserved it. But now? I still felt guilty, and the pain followed me everywhere, but Stefan... He was the breath of fresh air I needed. He brought a new feeling, one not of pain or suffering but of joy and excitement. The tiny scar peeking out from my hairline was no longer a reason to hate myself. For the first time since losing them, I felt like I could move on. Move on with Stefan.

"Hey," I smiled as I hurried down the stairs, my brown boots clicking against the wooden steps.
   His face lit up as he caught sight of me coming through the living room to meet him. "Ready to go?" He beamed.
   "Yes," I replied, kissing Jenna's cheek as I ducked past. "Is Jeremy coming?" I breathed, fiddling with the zipper of my purse.
   "Uh, no," Jenna pulled a face. "He's grounded," she reported.
   "Grounded?" I laughed. "Wow, go you, full parent mode I see," I smiled.
   "Well," she shrugged. "I tried."
   "What'd he do? Sleep in too long?" I joked.
   "Eva," she gasped, grinning. "There is no such thing. I caught him doing drugs in his bedroom so I confiscated all of the non-prescribed drugs and grounded him for a week."
   "Drugs?" My face fell. I had suspected as much but I had hoped it wasn't true. "Oh."
   "Do you think a week's too harsh?" She scrunched her nose.
   "No," I reassured her. "Dad would've grounded him for a year!"
   "Oh, well... Good," she nodded. "You kids have fun!"
   Laughing, we waved goodbye and Stefan politely closed the door behind us, struggling to hide his smile. "You look nice," he complimented.
   "Thank you," I courtesied. "Where's your car?"
   "Um... I was hoping we could take your car?" He asked sheepishly. "Mine is... Unavailable right now."
   "Did you walk?" He nodded. "From your house?" He nodded again. "Stefan, your house is on the other side of town!"
   "Well," he started as we made our way to my car. "Exercise is actually good for you, so I've heard."
   Rolling my eyes, I fastened my seat belt. "Shouldn't you be resting before the big game?" I asked in an obvious tone.
   "I'm sure I'll be fine."

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