~Chapter Fifteen~

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Bonnie and I sat silently in Principal Weber's office, staring at our shoes as Mr Saltzman stood directly behind us, his hands clasped and face solemn as though he were the one being told off. The three of us waited for Principal Weber, no one brave enough to utter a word. I hoped that he would let us off with a warning, but who knew what he would do? Skipping class was grounds for suspension, and I knew Jenna would flip if that happened.
   Stealing a glance at the clock on the wall, I rolled my eyes. I was itching to talk to Bonnie about what she had told me, but it seemed speaking at a time like this was inappropriate. If it were any other teacher Mr Saltzman would be scolding us for skipping class while we waited, but he didn't. He just stood there like a zombie. 
   "Bonnie," I leaned across the chairs, unable to wait any longer. "I'm still a little iffy about the whole witch thing, but it is my job as your best friend to support you in everything so I promise to be more open minded, and if you ever want to talk about it, don't be afraid to come and ask me. OK?"
   Smiling, Bonnie nodded. "I will. Thanks, by the way. Not many people would be as supportive as you."
   "And that's why I'm your best friend," I beamed proudly.
   "Did you say witches?" Mr Saltzman cut in after a few moments of silence.
   Bonnie and I exchanged a grin before giggling at our new History teachers remark. He'd only known us for an hour and he probably already thought we were crazy. "Don't worry about it," I chuckled.


I was glad to be back in Bonnie's good books, and I knew I promised her I wouldn't spend so much time focusing on Stefan, but I couldn't help but worry. After Principal Weber let us off with a warning ( because of what happened to Elena and my parents) I bumped into Matt on my way to Art class. The Sheriff was looking to widen the search to outside of Mystic Falls if Vicki was still missing in the morning.
   I felt so sorry for him. Their dad died of drugs when they were little and their mom left them after Matt was legally old enough to look after Vicki. And now this? Not a lot of people in Mystic Falls cared about Vicki because she was into drugs, alcohol in sex, but Matt's devotion never wavered. It didn't matter what she did, he was always there for her.
   But Vicki was still missing. She could've been attacked, or worse. As much as I wanted to show Bonnie that I heard her when she told me I'd been spending less time with her ever since Stefan came to town, I couldn't help but worry about him. I suspected something bad had happened to Vicki, or else she wouldn't be missing, and I wondered if maybe whatever had happened to her, had happened to Stefan too.
   Mr Tanner's body was found drained of blood, and animals just didn't do that. Could Logan be right? Could there really be somebody in Mystic Falls responsible for all of these deaths and Vicki's disappearance?
   "That's coming along really nicely Eva." Glancing up, I smiled as my art teacher Mrs James strolled past.
   "Thanks." I smiled at my sketch of Stefan in his football uniform holding the Timber Wolves trophy. I'd been working on it ever since the game. I was hoping to show to him today when I'd finished, but unless he suddenly showed up, that wasn't going to happen.

After class I bumped into Bonnie and Caroline. Bonnie had filled Caroline in on our plans for dinner and she was so excited. "It's about time!" She shrieked. "We haven't had a girls night in forever! Ooh! I know! We should all go to Eva's after and have a slumber party!"
   "I don't think so Caroline," I chuckled nervously.
   "Yeah," Bonnie agreed. "It's a school night and I don't think my dad would appreciate that."
   "And Jenna's under enough stress already," I added.
   "Oh, OK," Caroline murmured, disappointed. "But maybe we could do it this weekend?" She asked, hopeful.
   I opened my mouth to tell her it was a possibility, but Bonnie interrupted before I had the chance. "We'll see. There's been a lot going on lately, with Vicki missing. And Eva hasn't heard from Stefan in a while. Maybe we should hold off until things get back to normal."
   Smiling, I silently thanked Bonnie and she gave a nod. Bonnie was truly the best friend anyone could ask for. She had stuck with me through the good times, and the bad, and then when she was going through a rough time, I ignored her yet she still stuck up for me and Stefan. As much as I liked spending time with Stefan, I knew I needed to make time for Bonnie.
   I thought that Stefan was the breath of fresh air I needed after losing my parents and Elena, but I lost sight of those who actually stuck by me through that time. I forgot about Bonnie and that was not OK. Today was just another example of how Bonnie was the true friend. After all, she was here, and Stefan was not.


Navigating my way through the crowded bar I spotted Bonnie and Caroline sitting near the window on the raised seating area. Hanging my handbag strap over the back of my wooden chair, I sat down and hugged my friends hello.
   It seemed while I was busy convincing Jenna to give me a ride to the Mystic Grill, Caroline and Bonnie had gone ahead and ordered some drinks and a garlic bread. Taking my menu from the holder at the center of the table, I scanned the menu and settled for a vegetable burger.
   Matt came by the table in his uniform, his hair tousled and eyelids droopy as he took our orders. Placing my hand on his arm, I offered as small smile and asked about Vicki.
   "Has the Sheriff found her yet?"
   "Nah," he sighed. "The search has been called off," he informed us.
   "What? Why?" Caroline gasped.
   "Vicki called me a few hours ago."
   "So she's OK?" I asked, concerned.
   "I don't know," he shrugged. "She told me that she'd been attacked but was fine now. I don't know where she is - she wouldn't say - but she told me to call off the search because she was fine where she was."
   "Oh my goodness," Bonnie muttered. "That's horrible."
   "Shouldn't she be in the hospital or something?" Caroline demanded. "I mean, if she's been attacked somebody must be taking care of her or she'd probably be dead."
   Matt shrugged and as much as I despised Vicki for getting my brother into drugs, alcohol and smoking I hoped she was OK. She had put Matt through so much and then telling him she was injured without saying where she was? That was just cruel.
   "Matt, I'm so sorry." Standing up, I wrapped my arms around him and rested my chin on his shoulder.
   Matt's life had ever been easy, mostly because of Vicki, but Elena had always helped him through the tough times. She always knew the right thing to do and so to make him feel better. I wished I could be as comforting as Elena was, but I wasn't my sister. All I could do was try to be supportive just as Matt was when I lost my parents and Elena. 
   "Hey, despite everything, Vicki's strong. And as hard as it is, if she says she's fine I am sure she's fine."
   "Thanks, Eva."
   "I hate to ask, but Logan's been telling me about the various attacks that have been happening lately. There's been some interesting patterns and I was wondering if Vicki said what attacked her."
   Shaking his head, Matt ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head. "Yeah, um, she said it was a vampire."

Dear Diary,
   If things weren't weird before, they definitely were now. Stefan seemed to know exactly how to help Bonnie after her 'witch trance' at the fundraiser yesterday, and then he disappeared, and then Mr Tanner's body was found drained of blood, and now Vicki's saying she's been attacked by a vampire.
   I didn't believe that Bonnie was a witch, something was going on with her for sure, but I didn't believe she possessed the power of magic. I didn't believe Vicki was a vampire, something attacked her, and that same thing may very well have drained Mr Tanner of his blood, but vampires don't exist. It's impossible. And where is Stefan? 
   I thought Stefan wanted to be my boyfriend, I thought he liked me, I thought he wanted to spend time with me, but he obviously didn't. He wasn't returning any of my calls or texts, and every time I went to see him at his house everything was locked up.
   I need to know what's going on. I need to know the details of the attacks, I need to know what happened to Vicki and I need to know what is going on with Stefan. I know I promised to start afresh with Stefan, to trust him, but the doubts Damon planted in my mind when he met at the Salvatore house are starting to creep back and I need to know if there is any truth to it. I need to know if anything Stefan has told me is true. 
   I need to find out the truth.

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