~Chapter Forty Seven~

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As soon as she had parked the car Bonnie leaped out and helped Grams inside, draping her frail arm around her own neck as she supported her weight. I followed them inside, the Grimoire tucked safely under my arm as I locked the front door behind them. Bonnie lifted Grams's feet onto an ottoman and pulled the couch throw over her feeble body while I set the Grimoire on the coffee table. "It seems like we could all use a hot drink," I breathed, excusing myself. "I'll put the jug on."
   Reciting Grams's order in my head, I located her exotic flavored tea bags from the cabinet near the door then mixed it in with a spoonful of sugar. The sound of the boiling water in the kitchen drowned out Bonnie's conversation with Grams in the other room. I stretched my arms and legs, clutching the edge of the bench as I hung my head between.
   I put on a brave face for Jeremy so he wouldn't get suspicious about vampires. I put on a brave face for Stefan so he wouldn't worry about me or how I felt about getting stuck in the tomb. I put on a brave face for Bonnie so she could solely focus on taking care of her grandmother. But now that I was alone and things had calmed, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing.
   "I almost got trapped in the tomb," I breathed unsteadily, my body shaking. "I..." Sliding to the ground, I buried my head in my bandaged hands and cried. We were supposed to go in, get Katherine, and get out. There wasn't supposed to be a magical seal, I wasn't supposed to get attacked by Anna and Pearl, and we weren't supposed to get stuck. I wasn't supposed to get stuck. Grams said vampires couldn't leave, that the seal kept them trapped inside, but I wasn't a vampire! I didn't drink blood, I didn't run fast and I wasn't strong. I didn't wear a special ring to keep me not dead during the day and I certainly was immortal. So what went wrong?

   Bonnie's perilous shriek interrupted my thoughts, followed by a loud crash. "Bonnie?" I called, wiping all traces of moisture from my eyes and nose as I stumbled to my feet. "Bonnie?"
   "Eva!" She cried, hysteria the underlying tone of her voice. "Eva, get in her," she begged, her plea followed by another bang. "Please, help me!"
   "Bonnie," I called, running as fast as I could down the hall. "I'm coming, I'm... Oh my gosh." My mouth dropped open as I turned into the living room, my eyes falling upon the still, lifeless body of Grams. "Bonnie," I breathed, tears pricking my eyes.
   Tears streamed down my friend's face as she opened the Grimoire beside Grams, furiously flicking through in search of a spell to resurrect her grandmother. "There must be something here," she panicked, the salt water staining the pages as she scanned the various spells. "There must be... She can't..."
   "Bonnie," I cried, squeezing her shoulders gently in an attempt to tear her away from the witch book. "Bonnie, it's too late," I whimpered. "Bonnie you can't-"
   "No!" She screeched, shoving me out of the way so she could see the Grimoire. "There has to be something here. She can't go like this. She... She..." Bonnie's voice trailed off as she used her magic to remove all the other spell books from the shelves and cupboards. I ducked out of the way as a large, thick, leather bound book flew past my head, landing with a thud at Bonnie's feet. 
   Panicked, I reached for the phone and dialed 911. I shifted my weight from foot to foot, my heart aching as I watched my best friend tear every single book on witch craft apart in the hope of finding something - anything - to save her grandmother. "911, what's your emergency?"
   "Um, please, I need an ambulance at 2 Oak Street, please hurry."


Dear Diary,
   It's my fault Grams is dead. Stefan would argue that it wasn't, that she cast the spell to save all of us, that she made her own choice, but I knew the truth. Grams hated vampires. She hated that her beloved granddaughter was involved in vampire business and she hated that the Salvatore's were a part of Bonnie's life. Grams never would have lifted the seal on the tomb if it were only Stefan and Damon who were stuck inside. Even if Bonnie begged her, she wouldn't have because she hated vampires, especially Damon. Gram didn't break the seal to save Damon or Stefan, she wouldn't risk her life for a vampire. But her granddaughter's best friend? Now that was someone Grams would give her life for.
   Everything is falling apart. Damon's lost the love of his life, Bonnie's lost her grandmother and witchy mentor... Loss and grief just seems to follow me everywhere I go. I used to not believe in all that mystical stuff but I must be cursed. If it wasn't for me, the Salvatore's wouldn't be in Mystic Falls meaning Damon never would have tried to open the tomb. He never would have had to go through losing Katherine for a second time. If it wasn't for me, Stefan's best friend in the whole entire world Lexi wouldn't have died because Damon wouldn't have been here to kill her. If it wasn't for me Grams would never have died of overuse of magic and Bonnie wouldn't be swamped with pain and grief. If it wasn't for me Anna probably never would have come to Mystic Falls as I doubt Ryan Rivera would be a vampire out to get me. If it wasn't for me, there would be nothing mystical about Mystic Falls and I wouldn't have to lie to Jenna and Jeremy. If it wasn't for me, my mom, my dad, my sister... They would all still be here.

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