~ Chapter Thirty Eight~

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I leaned against one of the party tables, at the center of the gym. The party was in full swing and it was a little overwhelming. Everyone was dressed for the 50s, and the music and dancing was all on par, but I couldn't get the thought of that pizza delivery vampire out of my mind. Though I'd been abducted by Lexi's boyfriend in Atlanta, it was different. He wasn't out to get me whereas this guy had tricked us into inviting him in and now Damon was using me as bait to draw him out so they could kill him. 
   Relief washed over me when I spotted Stefan and Damon talking at another table not too far from where I was standing. Their faces looked serious as they discussed whatever it was Damon pulled Stefan away for. Sensing my stare, both brothers turned their heads and looked at me. Stefan smiled slightly, nodding as if to reassure me that everything was OK and that he'd be with me in a second. Damon, on the other hand, had an unreadable expression on his face. One the one hand, he looked deep in thought as though he were deciding what to do and how to best protect me. On the other hand he sort of looked like he was eyeing up some tasty innocent human to sink his fangs into.
   "Hey!" I jumped, Caroline's cheery voice scaring me as her and Bonnie came into view. "Bonnie told me what happened," she offered a sympathetic look. "I'm really sorry Eva. Finding out after all this time that you're adopted and that your mom and dad aren't really your mom and dad, and that your little brother isn't really yours, and that your Aunt-"
   "Are you having fun?" Bonnie interrupted, nudging Caroline at her insensitivity.
   "Uh, yeah," I managed a smile. 
   "Well I'm not," Caroline pouted. "Matt's been acting really weird lately. He promised to come and dance with me but he's not here yet. In saying that, this," she motioned to her costume. "Took me forever, so I'm at least going to stay for half of that," she flashed a smile.
   I grinned, nodding in approval at Caroline's poof black skirt. It had picture perfect buttercups embroidered into the fabric, the colour matching her yellow singlet. She wore a tall black belt around her waist and heels to match. Her pearl earrings were nice, but I was happier to find she hadn't taken her vervain filled necklace off. 
   "Who did your hair?" I asked, admiring the yellow, hollow cylinders atop her head.
   "Mrs Lockwood," she beamed. "She really is so great," Caroline praised. "She was so excited when I asked if she would do my hair. She just loves town events, even though it's technically a school event, but Tyler's her only child. She's been deprived of doing girly things with him so she was happy to help. And you both know my mom," Caroline rolled her eyes. "She's a good mother and everything, but she's a cop. Not girly at all. When I asked her if she had any curler to use for my hair she gave me this blank stare. Mrs Lockwood on the other hand," her face lit up. "Knew exactly what to do. I can't believe you didn't take up her offer to, you know, live with them instead of your Aunt."
   "Caroline!" Bonnie hissed.
   "What?" Her eyes widened, an innocent look crossing her lips. "All I'm saying is Jenna is way too lax to replace your mom."
   My mouth dropped open in shock. How could Caroline say something like that? Caroline was Caroline, yes, but she wasn't a total idiot. For a girl whose dad walked out of her and her mom when she was little, she should know better then to make such senseless remarks. "Caroline," I shook my head in disbelief. "How could you say that? Jenna's not replacing my mom. No one could do that and that was never her intention. She's trying her best."
   "Yeah, well, if she really cared about you and Jeremy she'd take a page out of Mrs Lockwood's parenting book," she grumbled. 
   "Yeah?" I raised my eyebrows. "Well at least she loved me enough to hang around, not like your dad who abandoned you the first chance he got!" I glared. "Excuse me."

Behind me Caroline was whining to Bonnie, shocked and horrified that I would dare make such a comment. A part of me felt guilty. Caroline was very headstrong and confident, but that hit a nerve. I knew I shouldn't have said what I said, but Caroline shouldn't have either. 
   "Hey." Stefan came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my torso, his hands clasped just below my chest. 
   Groaning, I turned around, draping my arms around his neck. "Please tell me you weren't listening to my conversation with Caroline," I begged, resting the side of my head on his chest, careful not to ruin my hair. 
   "I would," he started. "But I remember promising someone very special to me that I wouldn't lie anymore."
   I gazed up into his eyes, smiling back at him. No relationship was perfect, I knew that. No doubt Stefan and I had a lot of fighting and arguing in our future but one thing was for sure. Our love would conquer all, no matter what. "I love you Stefan."
   "I love you too," he leaned down, kissing my cheek. "But I also know that you love Caroline," he reminded me. "What you said to her wasn't very nice."
   "Ugh, I know," I complained. "But she deserved it!"
   "She did, just like Damon deserved to die for what he did to Lexi," he pointed out. "Killing a person is much worse than criticizing one yet you managed to get along with him better than you are with Caroline."
   I sighed, grabbing some lemonade from the drinks table. "I know," I admitted. "It's just, she always does this. And Jenna's doing the best she can."
   "Do you truly believe that?" He narrowed his eyes, searching my face.
   I pulled back, frowning. "How could you even ask that?"
   "Answer the question," he urged not unkindly.
   "Of course I do."
   "Well that it shouldn't matter what Caroline says or thinks. You know that Jenna is doing the best that she can and that she loves you more than anything. If that's true, and you believe that, then that is all that matters."
   I nodded slowly, placing my empty cup back on the table. "Makes sense, but I'll always defend my family. Whether they're blood related or not, I'll always stick up for the people I love."
   "Even Damon?" He raised his eyebrows.
   "Yes, Stefan," I tilted my head to the side. "Even Damon."

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